About Me! :D

Since I'm not really sure where to start, I'll just make a list, darn it!

  • I'm a 14 year old female. ;P
  • I am an otaku, which is a person who loves anime, manga, video games, and generally cosplays.
  • I am a HUGE patriot, but actually towards Canada. My family moved from there about 17 years ago, and I've always loved the country. ;)
  • My favourite pastime is watching Hetalia, which is an anime about all the countries of the world portraying history. Basically, every country is a hot guy (with a few female countries) on a reality TV show talkin' 'bout their past and how they used to beat the snot out of each other. XD (okay, forget I said that last part) But it's rated MA, so I wouldn't recommend looking it up unless you're allowed to watch shows at that rating. ;)
  • I love sewing, and right now my mom's buying a really nice sewing machine with layaway, so I have to wait. TT__TT
  • My favourite genre of music is Alternative Rock, and of that, my favourite bands are Panic! At The Disco, Fallout Boy, and The All American Rejects. I also listen to various Japanese songs and stuff, like character songs for anime characters, and Vocaloid programs.
  • I have a strange obsession with the countries Canada, England, Japan, Romania, Norway, and Iceland... (well, I guess because in Hetalia they're all either adorable or TOTALLY hawt. ;D) (._. )
  • I'm an atheist, but that doesn't make me a bad person, so don't hate me for that.
  • I enjoy origami and other stuff from Japan.
  • If it's ANYTHING food or soap related from any country besides France or America, my answer is this; I love it.
  • Japanese soda is TTLY amazing. (yes, I'm well aware that this is just an opinion and no longer a fact about me, but whatevs.)
If you have any questions about me, just ask! ^-^ I can tell you anything you want to know (except what state I dwell in or the rest of my name, and super-personal stuff like that.)



Rachel said...

What's your favorite color?

Miranda said...

My FAVORITE colours would be...(I have three)Sapphire blue, aquamarine, and lime green!!! :D


Rachel said...

I was thinking about this when I looked to see if you commented on the penpal thing. So, if you're not allowed it's okay, can I have an email address where I can contact you? Not for the penpals, I'd like to write for that, but just so I can email you. I don't know exactly why. But if you want we can email for the penpals.

Miranda said...

e-mail penpals would be okay. I got ANOTHER google account, so I have TWO e-mails! It's

