Sunday 31 October 2010


Yeah!!! Finally, free candy again!!! Well, enough excitement. Today, I am, of course, going trick or treating. But, I am going with Phoebe! We are going to first celebrate dolloween with our dolls, then, later, we will go trick-or-treating! I'm especially excited since there is this guy in our neighborhood, and he hands out a 6 PACK OF OREOS, and a king sized reeses, also, a whole starburst pack! WOOOO!!! Yeah, I'll be jacked up on sugar today! I can stay very calm with sugar, I've never had a sugar induced sugar rush in my life!!! Not everyone can say that! What are you going to be for Halloween? Comment about, if you want. I am going to be a Canadian! Well, I have a toque that says oh Canada! on it, snow pants, a red scarf, a winter coat, boots, and the Vancouver 2010 Olympics mittens! My dolls are going to dress up, too! Well, for now..................HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! :)

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Countdown to Fall Festival! Kirsten's cool hairstyle!!!

This is Kirsten's winter/fall hairstyle. Here's how to do it:
First, make a french braid on each side of the doll's head.
Next, use a u-shaped hair pin to secure the end of the braid to the part that will be underneath. Look at the picture for a little help.

Next, put another pin on the end of the braid(slip it through one of the crosses,) and tuck it under the hair. Look in the picture for help, especially on this step.

Lastly, repeat on the other side. There! Now your doll looks like Kirsten!
So for now.........PEACE OUT!!! :)
P.S. Our Internet was down for the past few days. This would have been posted on a Tuesday, but our telephone and Internet were broken. So, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you!!! :)

Sunday 24 October 2010

Fall Festival!!!

This year, I've decided to have a Fall Festival with my dolls! It will envolve trick-or-treating, Fall Festival exclusive stores, a pie raffle(put your name on a slip of paper, and put it in the basket. If your name is chosen, you win a pie! The pie is a candle that is shaped like a pie, and is doll sized that I bought at Michaels!) you can dress up for a costume contest, and MORE!!! I will make the event take place in my bedroom, only my dolls and/or friend's dolls are welcome. Everyone else, I don't know personally. If this sounds fun to you, then make a Fall Festival for yourself! I will post a possible photo story about it in early November, with little picture updates every other day or so for sneak peaks! I have a signature hairstyle that looks AMAZING on Kirsten!


Please Love Dolls
-Miranda!!! :)

Thursday 21 October 2010

Photo poll!

This post is making up for me missing my 50th post! It's a PHOTO POLL!!! I will have a bunch of pictures on page, and YOU get to vote for your favorite! Check out my photos page, they will be numbered, and type the number of the one picture you like, and put it in the comments box! For example, if you vote for #10, put #10 in the comments box. On Halloween, I will tell which picture won!!! :)

Wednesday 13 October 2010


Well, I have some important news! Now. Most of you have cellphones, right? I don't, but I may be getting a Blackberry soon! I want a purple one. If only there was a lime green or a powder blue one...

Enough with that.
Sonali and Gwen are starting to make an evil plot against all of my other dolls, and lets just say the details are graphic. Yeah, most of the things I do with my dolls aren't normal every day life. On average, 75% of the time at least one of my dolls is hurt(not physically, they are hurt in the game, not like they need to go the doll hospital or anything. I care a LOT about their well being.) So, I have a question. Is it bad to eat chocolate a lot? I don't want the physical inadvantages, just emotional ones. This is a problem since I pretty much eat chocolate all day. Yeah, that's why I'm a chocoholic, which means I need a certain amount of chocolate every day, or I'll get mad(I made up the word, but it seems real-ish).

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Hello! Sorry for not posting...

HI!!! I only do things like that when I have been on blogger, but haven't posted for a few days. Yeah, so forget that. Did you ever go to Washington D.C.? I am going there, and is it fun? If so, please comment. Ok, so you know the Olympics, the one in Vancouver that happened this year? Well, I have an Aunt in Vancouver, and she bought me a TON of the souvenirs for it, and today, she sent me a pair of the red mittens! I will show you my collection tomorrow, along with a few random pictures of random items! The last pair of mittens she sent me were too small, so my dad yelled at his sister over the phone for that, and now I have more mittens! So, that's how I'm doing this post. Well, for now,..............PEACE OUT!!! :)

Sunday 10 October 2010


Thanks, to the person who, on my poll, voted: I can't vote on this poll because blogger won't let me! I started to crack up! Thanks for being ridiculously hilarious! You gave me a good laugh. Unless you are serious, then I feel sorry for you. I honestly didn't think anyone would vote that! So for now......................PEACE OUT!!! :)

Thursday 7 October 2010

I'm dreaming of jumping in leaf piles...

I am calm, I am serene. When I hear classical music, I think someone is going to die. Thanks a LOT, 5th period health teacher. Oh, it's calming. NOT! I was hypreventalaing while trying to do my homework because of it. I may have just spoken gibberish, but I know what it means. In horror movies, they sometimes put on classical music, and then half the characters are killed. Yeah, that's REALLY calming. Oh well, enough world hating for today. I sometimes get carried away. Oh! Big news! I could post comments again today! WOOOOOOOO! Did you know that Fire Salamanders are poisonous? Yeah, I didn't. Not 'till last week. Well, I am currently fresh out of ideas to blog about, tell me what you want me to blog about next. I will slowly figure out things to blog about soon. What does autumn make you feel like? It makes me feel like raking leaves just to jump in them and mess them up again. How does that make you feel? For adults, unless you do something interesting, completely diregard this message. So, do you like Pomegranete? I like Pomegranete. Yes, it is a fruit. Yes, it's poisonous. Yes, you're supposed to eat the seeds. And now to entirely change the subject... I gave my Peruvian guinea pig a haircut today. He didn't like it. The poor guy also had to have a bath. He was shivering, the poor fellow.

Wednesday 6 October 2010


TEN FOLLOWERS!!! I never thought that this day would come! Well, thank you all for following me, and remember, I blog about all my followers or none of them! Well, I would like to thank The Crazy Doll Lady, m line, Miranda, Anne, Phoebe, American Girl fan club by Skylar, American Girl Doll Hairstyles, American Girl Fan, Quinlin, and Maddi. Thanks again!!! :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Well, if any of you haven't seen any recent-ish comments, it's because when I try to post them, blogger says 'service unavailable Error 503'. It sucks! I want to comment and say 'I can't comment,' but I can't comment! Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but I want you to know that I love reading all your blogs, and I love to comment on your blogs, too. Have ANY of you had this problem, too? If you aren't having it now, comment on it, or if you can't comment, vote in my new poll. So for now......................PEACE OUT!!! :)

P.S. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help.

Monday 4 October 2010

My fabric and Gwen

Here's my fabric I bought on the first quilt I made.

And here's Gwen. I tried to make it black and white, but my computer wouldn't let me! Well, for now..........................PEACE OUT!!! :)

I should be at school!

Hiya! Well, as the title implies, I should be at school. No, I'm not ditching, and no, I'm not dying. I have strep throat, or at least I think I do. My mom may or may not take me to the doctor. Here's the exact reason why I'm staying at home: my throat burns. It feels like it is on fire. Every time I swallow. Well, I think I'll just play Bomberman Generation all day. Yes, it's another game I'm obsessed with. It's for Gamecube, but I play it on the Wii. I just found a quilt project I started about two years ago yesterday, my little Jelly bags. It's from Bunny Hill designs, and all you need is one Jelly Roll! Yeah, that's quit talk for ya. Well, I may or may not work on my jelly bags or quilt today. Oh, my fabrics came! Well, I bought the last one, so I can't give you a picture of the fabric. ):Well, for now........................PEACE OUT!!! :)

Saturday 2 October 2010


Well, if I'm really nice to my parents, I may be able to photograph some of my drawings. You'll be surprised, but I'm not as good as some other art blogs I've seen. Well, I've only really ever sketched, but I bet I can probably do some paintings and such. Oh, and here's a little sneak peak of Lily's background story. you can read a few more posts, but her story isn't even close to the end. So, for now,........PEACE OUT!!! :)

Friday 1 October 2010

Some things that make me smile

Well, some things that make me smile, are...

Well taken care of dolls
ipod touches and phones
Dilbert comics
Weshnaw comics(you won't know what I'm talking about unless you're Phoebe)
polymer clay
super old magazines(they look funny)
quilts(they inspire me)
American girl crafts
quilling(curling paper strips)
non-child abusing families(not that mine is)
pet store hamsters
zhu zhu pets hamsters(they're SOOO cute!)
guinea pigs
me just being, well, me!
this site

Well, for now, .....PEACE OUT!!! :)


YAY!! Thank you! I was worried people wouldn't like this blog after I started to blog about things other than American Girl dolls... Well, things are going good here, I have takin' a liking to my other blog... But, that doesn't mean I won't post here, now does it? So, I am going to make a quilt. It will have trees on it, and a sky, and grass, and a sun. Does that sound good to you? I've already ordered the fabric. Tell me in my comments box, yes, no, or I can't picture that very well.... Well, for now, PEACE OUT!!! :)