Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Almost. it's almost midnight here, and I'm STILL awake! YAY! I have been drinking a LOT of sparkling grape juice, and I feel better. I hardly drank anything else today, except for water when I had lunch. otherwise, I don't feel much better. Oh, and while I'm rambling, one of my New Year's resolutions is to not ramble as much in my posts! Also, It's not in my control, but, I want our house to be more organized, too. My room is clean, but my mom NEEDS a kindle! The library next to my room SERIOUSLY makes my room look AMAZING! That's bad. There's books(romance novels) in cardboard boxes stacked to the ceiling! It also is a guest room, so, we never have guests. Oh, and all of our would-be guests live in Canada, and most of them don't like going down here much... Before I move on to my next paragraph, I want to tell my dad happy birthday. He's old(er) now. Hehe, inside jokes are fun!

Oh, and the reason I haven't been posting in the past, week... is because I have been non-stop playing Epic Mickey on my Wii. I get addicted to games easily, so, ... yeah. It's a good game. Now I'm obsessed with an old Disney character named Oswald. He's a cool bunny! So, enough of my rambles! I enjoyed Christmas this year. I got everything I wanted, and more. I didn't get fabric, though. :( Sadness. Welp, I have nothing more to ramble(you've been hearing that word a lot in this post, haven't you?) so................. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! My favorite colors! :)/:D/:0/;)

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Gwen, here!

I'm Hollie's sister! Yep! We look sort of alike, and we sing! We got to AGPPA, and we both share a quadruple bunk bed with Chrissa, Lily, and each other! Okay, so now the REAL reason I'm here! Do you think Sonali should get a blog? If so, comment! If not, I like your style! I'm the doll with beautiful hair, and I DESPISE Sonali! She shouldn't be such a gank! So, as I was say-
Miranda: GWEN! Help me clean YOUR room, so that I can pick up other AG stuff!!!
Gwen: NO! I'm blogging right now!
Miranda: oh, well, in that case, GET UP HERE YOU LAZY BEAN SACK! Wait, are you TYPING this conversation on MY blog?!?!?!
Gwen: Maybe, *Gulp*

Well, I better go, before she finds out, so BYE!
Miranda: Too late, Gwen!
ACCKK!!! /:(

Sorry, this is late news!

On Monday night, while I was reluctantly watching Invader Zim, we had a blackout! My first thought was "Cool! It's just like Luigi's Mansion!" But it was DARK! We should have had more working flashlights! Dang. I wanted to blog about the blackout, but it was a blackout! So, I was sad. When I went upstairs to my room, it was pitch black! I found a flashlight under my bed, though, so it was okay... I guess. Seriously, RIGHT when I laid down, the power came back on! Now I was thinking, "UGGHH!" I even said uggh! Now to continue the post on a much lighter note.

Phoebe's coming over tomorrow! YAY! She's going to bring her new dolls Lucy, Felicity, and Elizabeth. Well, at least two dolls are coming!!! :)/:D/;)/:0


Oh, and there may be pictures of all of my dolls! I will probably take pictures of Elizabeth's bed, and I WILL take pictures of Felicity and Elizabeth!!! :)

Monday, 27 December 2010

Sunday, 26 December 2010


All my dolls now go to the American Girls of the Past and Present Academy! YAY!

Saturday, 25 December 2010


I got my Snuggie, a blue robe, a build-a-bear puppy, a jewelery rack, lip gloss, chocolate BEYOND belief, ELIZABETH'S BED! IT'S HUGE!!! Elizabeth's cloak and riding outfit, Felicity's cloak and riding outfit, guinea pig treats, exclusive Zhu-zhu pets, pajama's, and a light-up monkey backpack clip! YAY! Felicity and Elizabeth are probably going to ride horses! I'm wearing my snuggie knock-off. It's slipping.

Friday, 24 December 2010

My contacts for game sites

InnerstarU: Hollie44, or Miranda20

Club Penguin: Pengu27030

Webkinz: gpigsrock

Moshi Monsters: gpigsrock

Anything else, not including build-a-bearville, is most likely gpigsrock.

Don't send me mean stuff on ANY of those things!!!

thanks!!! :)/;)/:0/:D

90th post!

Wow. it seems like just yesterday i started this blog! Now, It's ALMOST my HUNDREDTH POST! Almost. Take the party hats and balloons back to the store. Wait another week.

Now that the half-celebration is over...

Tomorrow's CHRISTMAS!!! Every year on Christmas eve, I get to open up a present early, and I got a quilting book! Oh yeah! I guessed RIGHT! I've STILL got it! Now, the only reason my brothers and I get to open up a present early, is because we get bored easy, and we're greedy. So, the present keeps us occupied! I will post my super-ultra-special-super-really-long post today! I JUST need to add some pictures I took last night at 11:30! You MAY or may NOT like the post, but I think you will like it!!! :)/;)/:0/:D

Thursday, 23 December 2010


I am SOOO happy! I know what I'm getting my mom for Christmas! I'm getting her a........................................... Clean reading room! I WOULD get her a kindle, (We have a WHOLE room FILLED with romance novels!) but kindles are too expensive. Maybe for mothers day... Then we could reclaim our guest room! So, I have Wii games everywhere in her reading room, there's no non-dusty surface in the room, cross-stitch projects are scattered amongst the books and dried up markers. It's atrocious. So, my doll party may take place on boxing day. It's after Christmas for all of you who don't know what it is. December 26. You box up Christmas decorations. Whoopee. I have been reading too much Better Homes and Garden magazines. They're my mom's. I REALLY want to clean our house now! That's RARE for me! I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to ramble on about now, so.... BYE!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

My dolls Christmas party!

Okay, so, here's EVERYTHING I have to say. My dolls party will be on Friday, and everyone has pretty hair and outfits. Kirsten is baking like CRAZY, Gwen and Hollie are STILL arguing. Lily and Lanie are getting the room ready. Chrissa is pondering over which outfit to wear. Felicity and Elizabeth are grooming the horses. Sonali isn't going. :( Well, maybe it's not sad, because Sonali has no dress, and no friends. I'm doing okay. I have NOTHING to do but play Wii Play, and shake my presents. I already know what ALL of them are! Seriously. I have to know these things, I don't like surprises. My friends had to find out the hard way. :( Sorry. TWO more days until the party! YAY!!! :D/:)/:0/;)

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

A post by Hollie

Hello, readers of Miranda's blog! I went out to THREE places in the past forty-eight hours! I went to see Tangled today, and it was AWESOME! I was kind of upset, because THREE kids pointed to me and said,"look, mommy! It's a dolly!" YEAH, big woop. I LIVE with eight dolls, people! It was kind of embarrassing, too. I mean, six-year-olds pointed to a person who was twice their age, and commented about her doll.

I'm going to Lily's holiday party with Gwen! Yep, Gwen might not be Lily's favorite guest, but she's DEFINITELY better than Sonali! Just so you know, Lily's JEALOUS of ME! We're both twelve, so I don't see- oh. Wait a MINUTE! I'm getting ALL of Miranda's attention, and Lily normally gets it! That's probably why I'm doing a post, and why Lily didn't invite me to her Christmas party! Gwen is taking a guest, so... I can go! I will be sure to take pictures of Lily's party, but I don't have too many things to wear right now... I stole Chrissa's pants so I could leave the house today, so that PROVES that I have NO CLOTHES! (well, to me, I have no clothes...)

Here's a bio of me: My hair is red, but goes blond in the sunlight. My eyes are hazel. My favorite color is purple, my favorite shoes are the JLY. meet shoes. Miranda and I are wearing matching shirts. I play basketball. I LOVE snowflakes. I read a LOT! I love shoes, and clothes. I have at least twice as good of grades as Sonali, and I have a B! Miranda: WHY did you mention your grades to the world?
Hollie: I was bored!
Miranda: Well, mention your PET!
Okay! My pet is a porcupine named Scarlet. I'm friends with everyone. I am twelve. My little sister Gwen is ten. I have a top bunk, Gwen has the bottom. I may join the Inside a dolls mind blog. My full name is Hollie Annabeth Jacobs. Gwen and I fight every day. I slapped Gwen when I met her. I am blogging right now. I will NOT go on innerstarU. Well, maybe.

Well, that's everything I can ramble on about today! Goodbye!!! ;)

Monday, 20 December 2010


First of all, I got my doll today! I've decided to name her Hollie, and one more thing. If this 'Antimalware doctor protection center' thing pops up when you open the internet, close it. It's a hoax. A scam. They TOLD me someone was HACKING into my computer, and NOBODY WAS! I wrote an ANGRY entry in my diary(that entry contains the f-bomb in there about twenty times!) I HATE scams! Well, who doesn't? I couldn't blog ALL DAY because of a SCAM!!! UGGGHHHH!!!! >:( I want to get a knife(even though I won't...) and I think you know the rest! If you think I will cut an object of food, you're wrong! OH. MY JELLY! IT POPPED UP AGAIN!!!! I swear, me+knife=NO MORE SCAM! SERIOUSLY! WHAT THE FRIDGE IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!!!! Sorry. I'm just REALLY p'oed. You would be too! Imagine this; somebody said,"I'm sorry. But you can't do your favorite thing right now, because we don't want you to." Not too fun, is it? I am REALLY sorry. Am I TYPING this?!?!?! Oh, and search images of Kanani online. SHE IS GORGEOUS!!! I am SERIOUSLY going to but her!!! Also, happy (number that shall not be named) birthday, Phoebe!!! :)/:D/:0/;) One more thing, I have started yoga. I LOVE it!!! My dad got my mom a comical yoga book, (yep, even though it's PHYSICALLY impossible for her, he still got it!) and I tried it. My mom used to do yoga, so that's PROBABLY why he got it... Have you tried it? I would recommend getting the Bony Yoga book. It's FUNNY! Also, yoga makes you feel less stressed! Yes, I was very mad, then I did yoga, and I was as mad as I was above! You don't know how mad I was before I did my yoga. Just so you know, please dis-regard this post. I was in a rant, so..... yeah, that's it!!! :) Actually, tell your parents if you see that pop-up I mentioned. ;)

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Update time!

We have 4.5 inches of snow, we're on Christmas break, Christmas is next week, and today, oh, I know what today is! My mom's birthday!!! :) She's turning 52, and we had cheesecake for dessert! Also, she got the office Christmas D.V.D. (I IMMEDIATELY thought of Phoebe) She also got fudge, bath stuff, and an ornament. the ornament is BEAUTIFUL! It is made out of a REAL maple leaf, but it won't break because it's been sprayed with copper.

I finished the piecing in my quilt! I need to iron the strips, and then I can sew the strips together. By Christmas, it WILL be finished!!! ;)

I have nothing else that's more interesting to say about MY life, but I have some doll news.

I put Sonali's, Lanie's, and Lily's gifts under the tree today. Lanie's getting a chocolate calculator, Sonali's getting a cat book, and Lily is getting the present from the ruby dress accessories. I have put up the tree officially, and I plan on decorating more tonight. I have found doll-sized bows, but my brother got them from his teacher, so I don't know where to get them. I would recommend looking at target, Michaels, or Walmart. Well, toodles!!! :)/:D/:0/;)

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Another one?

I got ANOTHER SNOW DAY TODAY!!! THANK YOU!!! I REALLY didn't want to go to school today, i wanted to work on my quilt! Also, yesterday, I made Phoebe her birthday present, and It doesn't look bad! It's actually REALLY cute! Phoebe, I think you'll like it! No more spoilers! I'll share what it is with the rest of the world, AFTER I get home from her sleepover! and now, to entirely change the subject...

I want Nanaimo bars. Do you know what they are? They're the BEST square-ular treats from Canada, EVER!!! They have coconut, custard, and chocolate! I would recommend finding a recipe for them on the Internet.

I've been TRYING to make a good doll-sized Christmas, and I'm not sure how well it's going... Chrissa has been in two photo shoots, Lily is getting ready to host her Christmas party, Lanie is putting up decorations, Kirsten is 'baking', Sonali learned the true meaning of friendship, Felicity and Elizabeth are prepping the horses, and Gwen is readying her voice to sing at Lily's party. (I'm a GREAT singer, so I occasionally make my dolls 'sing') I have been reading blogs all morning, and I found out MORE about Kanini! Her hair is the same color as mine, AND we both have curly/wavy hair! Except, I have bangs... and my skin isn't tan... But alas, I plan on buying her next year! Which doll will retire next? That, I'm worried about, because here are the dolls I want next year: Molly, Emily, Kit, Ruthie, Julie, Ivy, Kaya, Rebbecca, Jesse, and some more Jly's. Comment on which of these doll I should get first! I personally think I should get Molly and Emily, and Kit and Ruthie. They have been around the longest, so they're less safe.

P.S. Maria won't SHIP until tomorrow! I won't get her for, like, A WEKK!!!!!! UGGH!!! >:(

Monday, 13 December 2010

12 days 'til Christmas

I scheduled this for 1:00, so I did not stay up all night.

On the first day of Christmas, my parents gave to me, a fu-zzy wa-rm snuggie. (I peeked!) ;)

Sunday, 12 December 2010


I got snow today! it's the first snowfall, well, REAL snowfall(a snowfall with two or more inches of snow) and we have a two hour delay! Yeap. That sucks. I wanted a SNOW DAY. NOT A STUPID TWO HOUR DELAY! Oh, well, it's probably going to snow tomorrow too(I checked online) so I'm still keeping my hopes high! My mom won't wake me up tomorrow if there is a snow day. Oh, please help me. I want SNOW! I went sledding down our neighborhood sledding hill once, because soon they will build a house on it, and I wasn't sure if it was still legal... The house is on a 50 degree angle, people! How can you build a house on THAT?!?! Really, I'm sorry for all of the large text, but I'm in a bad mood today. I made TONS of progress on my quilt, though. I'll probably be done by the end of the week! I can't WAIT until I finish this quilt! I can FINALLY put winter bedding on my bed! Tjis will be my first normal sized quilt, so I'm PUMPED! I vowed I would finish my quilt before the end of 2010, so I'm working on it again. I forgot all about the joys of quilting, so I re-discovered my passion. Then, I can start on ANOTHER QUILT!!! YEA!!! I'm feeling loud right now! Don't you ever have those days? I have them A LOT!!! Well, for now........................................................................................... PEACE OUT!!! :)/:0/:D

Saturday, 11 December 2010

I decorated for the holidays!

Lily's blog, Chrissa's blog, and my other doll's blogs are decorated, too! *High-fives dolls, one at a time. Not including Sonali or Lanie. They don't have blogs. :(*

Friday, 10 December 2010

Well, I just realized something...

HAPPY 80TH POST!!! I've only been blogging since July, and It's my 80TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH. MY. JELLY. AWESOME!!! I want o say something very important now. It's about a very important issue. Bullying. Chrissa's going through it, I was going through it, and Beth Cole, one of the doll authors from a blog I follow, is also going through it. i will give my advice about this matter.

  1. No matter how bad it gets, remember: you are who you are, and you can't change that.
  2. You can't change them. Only change yourself. what I mean is if you are called ugly, or fat, imagine yourself as pretty, and slim. Your self-image will follow.
  3. Don't worry about it! They have the problem, not you.
  4. If your friends aren't here for you, make new friends.
  5. Make jokes about the people who are bullying you IN YOUR HEAD! DON'T say them out loud. That will make the bully even more angry.
  6. If they call you names, embrace it. If they call you a cow, say "moo" a lot, and show them you don't give a damn(sorry for the bad language)
  7. Don't do physical damage to yourself. If you cut off all your hair, you're making everything worse.
  8. Who CARES if they like you?!?!
  9. Be the bigger person, and show them respect when you ask to stop. If they don't, tell them that later, they will regret it. And make sure they do. Don't ruin their lives entirely, though.
  10. If you are being bullied, don't bully. You don't want someone to feel as bad as you do, do you?

If you need any more help, just comment!

My dolls had a singing competition!

Yep! You read that right! The only two singers were Lily Renae Tazo, and Chrissa Jennifer Maxwell. Lily sang two scheduled songs, and one she made up on the spot. Chrissa sang two songs, and both were by her favorite band: All American Rejects. Lily sang the two Christmas songs Hark the Harold Angels sing, and Jingle bells. She made up a pretty good song called Snowflakes on a Christmas evening. By the way, Gwen was the hostess, and Sonali was a vampire. Yeah, I was bored, so I made up the thing as I played it. Yes, I still play with my dolls, even thought I'm twelve! Not that I don't like to, though! Oh, my doll Maria Annabeth Jacobs hasn't come yet. You can call her Annie for short. She will go by Annie, or Marie, or Maria. Call her whatever you want, I don't care! I will have a photo shoot with her when she does come, though. Well, my dolls are going to have a welcome/Christmas party when Maire comes, so stay tuned! Also, I only have one December project left! I presented my book report to the class today, and I was so scared, I felt sick! Nothing happened, though. My dolls just leave their tree up all year; just Like my parents do! Except my dolls leave the ornaments on, too. Yep, I'm in a Holiday rant now. Oh yeah! I got invited to phoebe's (number that will not be named)birthday party today! AWESOME! She's going to LOVE, LOVE LOVE her present! Also, Chrissa has a blog now, so PLEASE check it out!

My dolls have new professions, now. Chrissa is a model, Sonali is a lifeless vampire,(I was bored, okay?) Kirsten is still a chef, Lanie is a singer, Lily is a flutist/singer/anything-that-has-to-do-with-performing, Gwen will be an author, and Felicity and Elizabeth both make dresses. Maria will be a basketball player. Lily still plays soccer, but only in the spring. She's too busy in the summer.

My dolls are probably going to make a music video, where I will sing, and Lily and Lanie are the back-up singers. At that point in time, Maria will be the dancer with Gwen Thompson. I plan on eventually having a few JLY's, that means at least four, so I will enjoy giving them personalities. I want all of the historical characters, and I want(this is thinking hypothetically) at least two pieces of American Girl furniture....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'm stuck. what else should I ramble on about today? Ah, well. I'm done. BYE!!! :)/:0/:D

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Yea! In some ways...

I have a bunch of projects coming up, so I may not post 'til Friday night, and even then I have a big Social Studies project due next week, Soo... you may NOT , I repeat NOT, hear from me until next week is over! Why are ALL the school projects due in December? Do teachers not believe in the holidays? WHY?!?!?! I seriously don't know why, so if you do, PLEASE comment!!! :) Also, I've developed a personality for Maria! She plays basketball, is almost thirteen, her birthday is March 15, and her friends are lily and Chrissa(her new roommate is Chrissa, too! ) Her pet will be Coconut(I want her for my birthday next year) Do you think that Maria should have a blog, too? Ah, well, I'll make one for her anyways. Only my favorite dolls will have blogs, and those dolls are: Lily, Lanie, Chrissa, Maria, Felicity, and possibly Kirsten and her sisters, Gwen and Elizabeth... But not Sonali, DEFINITELY NOT Sonali! Sonali would expose ALL of my dolls, and it wouldn't be a pretty sight... So, for now................................................................................................................................................... PEACE OUT!!! :)

P.S. Which doll should I get next? Ruthie, Rebecca, Molly, Jesse, Emily, Kit, Kaya, Kanini, or Julie? I want any of those historicals, and the one JLY(I still call them that)

Sunday, 5 December 2010

My FIRST photo story!!! :) :0

Chrissa had a fight with Sonali the previous day, and her friends/sisters had taken to her bed.
She woke with a yawn, and had begun to wipe the sleep out of her eyes.

She had realized that Lily Tazo was in her house, and Chrissa huddled up in a corner.

"GET OUT!" She screeched. Who would have guessed Lily was in her house!

"Good morning! Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, but why are you here?"

"I spent the night to make sure you were feeling better!"


"Hi Lanie!" Lily peered to see who was there.

"It's me!"

"Hey! Glad to see ya!"

"Hey, Lanie!"

"Hey Lily!" Lanie waved back.

"I brought you a present to get you in the Christmas spirit! It's also a get well soon present! :)"

Chrissa gasped. no one had EVER given her ANYTHING like this!

"Thank you SOOO much!" Chrissa squealed. They embraced happily.

It fits in perfectly with Chrissa's decor.


I thank all of you who voted, and I ordered......................................................................................
MARIA!!! I LOVE her look, AND I have wanted her since she came out! So, thank you VERY MUCH for helping me decide!!! :) Her name is
Maria Annabeth Jacobs! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0/:)

Saturday, 4 December 2010

I'm getting a NEW doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't use enough explanation marks! I'm either getting the doll with feathered brown/black hair with hazel eyes, which I will name Jesse; or the doll with short red hair with bangs and hazel eyes, who I will name Maria! Which should I get? I will order tomorrow night, so TELL ME!!!

Peace, love and hugs,
-Mr. W (Those are my initials!)

P.S. I will have a photo story about after Chrissa and Sonali's gift shop scrap, so stay tuned! Also, Depression hurts. Cymbalta, can help.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

I will create a NEW blog!

This blog will be for my doll Chrissa! She has just gone emo(yes, I know, this may be weird, but she looks better to me like that) Her hair is still brown, her eyes are still blue, but her personality changed. And her hairstyle. Now, in my doll world, CHRISSA decides the fashions, not Sonali. Chrissa is a model, and she can finally have her OWN bedroom! In my doll world, if you're famous/popular, you get a bedroom. She will get a room in the closet, and I will be happy! I am getting more money, because my Sweet Streets sets just sold, too! That means I get $75 to spend! I love the money making magic of the holidays. :) I will get a $20 x-mas tree from Target, buy 2 presents, one for Griffin and the other for my mom, and decorate the tree!!! :) I am SOO happy! Also, do you think Chrissa SHOULD have a blog? I think she deserves one.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Hey!!! :0

Right now, I just sold my Loving Family dollhouse and accessories, so I just sold my biggest Christmas present that I got when I was four. I may play with it, one last time. That's not the point. I'm getting fifty-dollars for it, AND i saw a twenty-dollar tree at Target that I will buy and decorate! I am in debt for money I have to pay to my parents(that happens a LOTT...) So I may have a pic. of it when I'm done! It will be the Christmas tree for my dolls, like the one in Rockefeller center in New York to my dolls. EEEPPPP!!! :0 I'm excited!!! *squeals again with more joy* I may get into making button jewelry. I also want to do MORE spool-knitting! Yes, I do almost every craft you can think of. I quilt, knit, cross-stitch, hand-sew, crochet, quill, do calligraphy, make jewelry, spool-knit, loom knit, and things of that nature. I'm going to do my homework soon, and I will HOPEFULLY, go to Target when I get my fifty bucks! I LOVE their ornaments! They're SOOO cool! I saw a BEAUTIFUL tree topper there, and I love the ornaments! *someone comes by and whispers to me that I already mentioned that, and then walks away* Oh! Well, you know what I mean... *becomes flustered and embarrassed* WILL YOU STOP THAT?!?! *sorry. I got carried away...* I am SOO EXCITED!!!

- Miranda, signing off!!! :)