Wednesday 9 November 2011

Hey guys!

I have a challenge for myself. This challenge for me is whether or not I can go a whole day without laughing and/or smiling. I think it seems pretty reasonable, but it's also a LOT harder than you may think. Unless you're depressed(which I am NOT) it's pretty hard.
I'm not really sure why I'm trying not to laugh for a whole day, but it just kind of popped into my head, and I was like, "Yeah... YEAH! I could DO that!" But... THEN I thought of how many times I laugh and smile in a day... A lot.
I put a poll on my sidebar(vote soon! It ends tomorrow! D:) and I want to know what you guys think! ;D


Emma Kate said...

I voted Yes! I know you can do it! :D

mary ann said...

aww, the hamster in your sidebar is so cute :)

Miranda said...

Thanks. I fialed five minutes after I woke up, though. XD

Oh, and thank you, but it's a guinea pig. :)
