Monday 23 May 2011


My life in front of my television screen has literally bored me. I normally find joy and happiness in the video games I own, but I haven't been happy playing them recently. I decided to take a break from them, and MAN, I made a good decision! I feel rejuvinated. I feel this deep connection to nature forming with me as the weather warms up.

I no longer find myself being that lazy, careless person I was in January.

I feel more mature. I feel as though family, friends, and my future is the most important. I've been centering my attention around interior decorating, and I've even figured out what I'm to do with my life when I grow up.

I've been finding joy in just simply staring out my bedroom window, with my gaze happening upon foliage. My bed is right next to my bedroom window, and I literally stare at the sky at night. It just relaxes me.

I also find pleasure in writing down three things I LOVED about today in my happy journal that was (correction) $9.

I've really expandedmy happiness into many different forms, so that if one form is taken away, I will still be happy.

For my new changes, I've decided to NOT blog about my dolls on THIS blog anymore! For awhile they were LITERALLY taking over this blog! I love my dolls and all, but I'm growing up, too.

What has changed in your life since January? (And don't just tell me something like you got a new shirt or a new doll, make it relevant to your LIFE.)



Rachel said...

M photography. It's improved a TON.

Lilac said...

I started a blog in the middle of Feburary and I love having a blog.It seems like I am not growing up at all.I am so happy that it is May and that I am keeping up with my blog.I hope that you can continue with your too.I love your blog.:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Miranda,

It's great that you are feeling good about your changes in life.

A change for me has been my new blog, it's a great way to express myself, and say things that are important to me :)

I'm am now following you.


Miranda said...

Yeah, I ditched the no video game thing... heh heh...
