Sunday 17 April 2011

A bunch of whoas.

Okay. Well, now that I FINALLY have some free time with my newly arrived spring break, and being alone in the house for a while, I decided to catch you people up! So. On Tuesday, my AG stuff came!(I ordered AG stuff on Thursday) :D I got Kanani's collection, Willow(for my B-day, though. :( ) the chocolate gasses, birthstone earrings, the photographer outfit, Chocolate Chip, Kanani's PJ's,(which is for my birthday,) but her chair and the MAG travel set are back ordered. So, I have been ecstatic. Oh, and the Friday BEFORE I got my HUGE package, my mom gave me Lanie's pajamas, and her whole nature set and outfit. I'll show pics on my other blog later. I read my little Math story to a bunch of fourth graders on Friday, and It was alright. I had to ask them what Pi times 2.25 was, not because I didn't know what it was, but because I had to see if they knew how to solve for a circle's circumference. I went to a BUNCH of stores yesterday, and I was T.I.R.E.D. This included an exotic bird store my relative wanted to visit, because that's what her business revolves around. They had a Hyacinth Macaw at the store! :o Other than my usual laziness, I haven't done... WAIT! Yesterday morning at 8:08 A.M., I had to perform in a room with my ensemble, which meant I had to wake up at 5:40. :( Other than me(one of four flutes) and one of the three clarinet players, we SUCKED. Everybody else SUCKED. But, that's mean... :( That's really it this time. NOTHING else... WAIT! My relative and I cleaned my bedroom, so now Kanani has a bedroom! :D Okay, now that is SERIOUSLY it! :) What have YOU done in my absence? ~Miranda

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

Well, you know what I did! XD I heard your ensemble one morning and you sounded wonderdul! I lovelovelove Hyacinth Macaws! So purty. :)