Monday 12 September 2011

Oh my gosh.

First of all, have you guys read that Coconut's being retired? I read that, and I was SHOCKED. I'm not ENTIRELY sure if that's true or not, so don't freak out.
Second of all, I got TWO trench coats yesterday, so now I'm SUPERDUPERHAPPYIT'SNOTEVENFUNNY! And, today, my new shoes came! :D :D :D Also, I ordered a doll I WILL turn into Kylie! n_n Superspaztasticallyhappy.
I just wanted to let you wonderful followers of me know that. That, AND if I don't post in a few days I feel like I'm deserting everything. Maybe I should post less...


Caelen said...

I read it on a blog. I can't believe it.

Lilac said...