Wednesday 12 October 2011


Oh my goodness. I, along with my brother Griffin, always plan ahead, and I've been sad right now, because I realized that my Christmas wish list(and, just stuff I want to buy in general! XD) includes NOTHING from AG. D:
Yup. You read that right. It's really simple, actually. All it includes is a Pullip. Or two... Haven't really decided on that part yet... Well, I HAVE, but then one of the two(Akoya, the ninja girl, if you're still with me here) just ENTIRELY disappeared from the site! D: :( I'm confused, because she's not in the arc hives, and she's not in the "buy" section, and when I search her name, NOTHING pops up! :'(
But, I FINALLY decided to sell some of my old toys! :D I listed my Zhu Zhu pets on my dad's special selling thing at work, and Griffin and I are currently "working" on seeing how much our old Playmobil sets will go for. :D And, since I NEED to make money for a Pullip, I *might* start selling doll stuff on etsy! That's ONLY if my mom lets me. ;)
So, I spend pretty much five hours a day on ebay and/or Pullip Style looking at stuff, and I MIGHT look at the sets of Playmobil on ebay today... ;)

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