Sunday 9 October 2011


This blog really HAS been around for a while, hasn't it? Not that anyone notices... or cares.
Yeah, I KNOW that I might not be the most wonderful person ever, but I don't really GET it.
I've noticed that I've stayed at thirty-one followers for a while now. ... Two MONTHS, maybe?! I think that's just ludicrous! Considering all the other blogs I follow gain followers every few days or so.
What I'M wondering, is why more people haven't been following my blog. Yeah, I'm not greedy(usually) and I'm not ASKING for more followers, because I know I hate it when people do that. I just want to know WHY I don't have any more. Is it publicity? Because my YouTube sucks(which, I agree. It DOES suck. XD)? Because I don't post pictures or anything?
If you have any ideas, please let me know, and I'll TRY to improve my blog. D: I BEG OF YOU!!!


Caelen said...

You have 32 followers now! Maybe, you can do more pics, or GTDs, maybe even a giveaway?

Claire said... could post some photostories! Those get my attention :)

Just know that even if I don't comment, I still read & love your blog, Miranda!

Unknown said...

Hello Miranda!
I just followed your blog! I don't see anything wrong with it :)
I find, what gets peoples attention is pictures! People love pictures, including me :)
Also, if someone follows you, people will be more likely to visit you again, if you follow back!
Anyway, that's my opinion :)

Lilac said...

I am sorry,but I see you have 34 followers now,great job!:D