Saturday 18 February 2012

Question! And a possible listing...

Well, as probably only Phoebe(from LoveThatDoll) knows, I'm going on vacation today! :) I'm really excited about it, but I do have a teensy poll to go with it...
I want you guys to guess which doll I'm going to take(or took, by the time you guys read this!)! The are options are:
Lily and Lanie
Rebbecca(my Dal)
Yumie(my Pullip)
Gwen and Hollie
Willow and Lanie
Elizabeth and Felicity
Well, this may not SEEM to be a narrow question, but I have a total of fiteen dolls, so it's not easy to do! :(
I'll probably make a poll for it, but if I don't, just comment on this post. ;)
Also, as the title implies, there is something that I'm considering to sell. I haven't really played with her lately, and I've been wondering if I even care about her for a while now...
It's Chrissa. I love her hair, but there's not much to do with it for me.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to sell her, so PLEASE don't comment and be like, "I'll pay you $60 if you let me have her!" because I'll just get annoyed with comments like that, and you'll drop your chances of getting her from slim to slimmer.
So, uh... Which doll/doll pair do you think I took with me? I'll be back on Monday night, so I'll have the poll end on Monday, of course! ;D


Phoebe said...

I think you took either Kylie or Rebecca. (but probably Kylie) That's just a wild guess. :)

Emma Kate said...

I think you are taking Kylie!:)

And it is just me, but I wouldn't sell Chrissa if I were you...:)