Friday 8 June 2012

Can you believe me I am, Still Alive!

... Much to your dismay. XD But really, the title is part of the lyrics to a song from a game called Portal. (Yes, I'm THAT big of a geek. XP)

But, anyway, the reason why I'm posting today is... well... I'm not sure. But, I guess I could/am going to tell you about the one thing I have planned for my dolls next! :D

BUT FIRST!!! I have a question. Would you like me to post some of the drawings I have done so far on my blog? If you want to answer, check my poll with your answer RIGHT NOW. (I'd prefer if you went back and read the rest of this post afterwards! XD)

So, my mom is starting to sort of buy a new sewing machine since our "good one" like, imploded(lol not really) so it doesn't work anymore. But, aside from this "minor setback" that keeps the two of us from quilting, we still have a really crappy sewing machine from the 1980's. :(

Why am I telling you this? Well, my point is that I plan on sewing special outfits for my dolls. Yes, special outfits.

If you remember on my doll's blog, Gwen mentioned that everyone portrays a country? Well, since I'm that big of a geek(with the emphasis on THAT) I'm going to be sewing little cosplays for them! :D I figured out how to draft my own patterns for them, and since I REALLY do like sewing, I figured, "Why not?" and I'm probably going to start it really soon. :3

On a similar note, I already explained to my mom that I'm going to be starting to make a Fem! Canada cosplay. So, since I can't knit to save my life, she's going to be knitting a hooded red cardigan with a white band across the bottom with red maple leaves inside the band (yeah, I felt really bad about asking for something ya know, THAT precise/intricate, but the event is like, in January, so I'm giving her lots of time to make it... ) (._. ) And I'm going to be drafting the patterns for the "suit" and sewing it myself, so THAT will certainly be interesting! (^_^;)"

Haha, what I do in my free time. Or, at least, plan on doing! XD

So, to sum things up, I'm going to be sewing outfits that look like the ones worn by characters in an anime(and manga, btw) for my dollings and myself. ^-^ I'm super excited, but It'll be... interesting... to say the least! Heh heh...

Oh, and my birthday's on the 23rd, just in case anyone was wondering about that. .___.

So, uhh... yeah. (I fail at ending posts, as you can tell. *nervous laugh*)



Phoebe said...

Happy birthday.... That sounds really awesome. And I couldn't find the poll but you should post your drawings! :D

Emma Kate said...

I have missed you :)

Amy said...

Happy birthday!

Oh, and Portal's cool. I've never played it before, though.
