Saturday 7 January 2012


It amazes me. One and a half YEARS I have been posting on this blog! Can you believe it?! I really can't. I would have PROBABLY given up blogging if I hadn't known that 34 people follow me. I mean, sure, I wouldn't have DELETED my blog or anything, but I considered stopping posting.

But, why I am talking about such things?! This is a HAPPY occasion! And, also today, it's Phoebe from Love That Doll's 1.5 Blogoversary, too! :D She is really important to me, because she was the one that caused me to blog in the first place! I'm sure that most of you have heard of her blog, but if you haven't, then check it out HERE!!! She's pretty awesome, and she's one of my closest friends! :D

My dolls are doing pretty good right now, and I'm shocked. Just ABSOLUTELY shocked, that I'm still into dolls! Five years, twelve dolls. That's pretty awesome. ESPECIALLY considering the fact that I'm moving into other interests right now! ;D

Well, have you guys ever been shocked that it's been _____ years since you got your first AG doll, and you STILL love collecting dolls today? Comment and tell me!



Claire said...

Congrats on 1.5 years of blogging! My 1.5 anniversary is next month. :D

I've been collecting dolls for five years now and now I've got seven dolls (hopefully eight, because #41 is calling to me...)! :D I still can't believe it's been that long!

Phoebe said...

Hahaha, I didn't even realize that was today! Fail. :) I've had dolls for about 11 years. . . . and I'm so not shocked that I still love them. They're my whole world! :)