Friday 6 January 2012

New doll clothes! :D

Okay. I'm not sure if I told you guys this, but just to fill you in, on December 31, I ordered some AG stuff! :D What I bought was Kanani's party dress, the yoga outfit, and the Merry and Bright dress. So far, Willow's been wearing the Holiday dress, and it looks REALLY cute on her!(although I KNEW it would look good, because #33 was used to "show off" the dress in the product pictures. XD)

On another good note, I found my camera, so NOW I can FINALLY show some pictures again! :D But, I MIGHT continue my oath about no more pictures, but I'm not sure.

Oh! Would you like to hear my resolutions(and stuff I want to do/get) for 2012?

If you said yes, Yay! :D
If you said no, then... TOO BAD!!!

1. Read more
2. Get some more Manga
3. Buy a new video game(I rarely get new ones, you know. :( )
4. Actually TRY to get school projects done to the best of my ability(and turned in on time. ;D)
5. Start selling doll clothes on etsy
6. Lose just a LITTLE bit of weight(or, in my case, since I'm NOT exercising, eat a little bit healthier.)
7. Clean my room on the first or last day of every month
8. Post another YouTube video
9. Make Caitlin(at least)
10. Save up money more often so I can buy the BIG stuff I want to buy, and stop spending money on crap I won't use. ;D

Yup. That's the list. What do you think of it? PLEASE TELL ME!!!

Seriously, though. Nobody's commented in like, a month. :(



Claire said...



I can't wait to see pictures of the AG stuff you bought! I want to get the Merry & Bright Outfit, except I don't want to pay $36 for it. :P Maybe I'm just being silly {since I barely ever spend money. ;D}

Miranda said...

It was on sale for nine dollars off, so I thought, "Ah, what the heck. ;)" And I bought it! :D (I still need to post pictures... T_T)
