Saturday 18 September 2010

Another book I'm reading!

Right now when you're reading this post, some of you, if not all of you are thinking; SHUT UP AND START TALKING ABOUT DOLLS ALREADY!!! Well, too bad. Now I'm reading a book called A Wind in the Willows. The version I got is the graphic novel version. A graphic novel is a book set up just like a comic book, but is a novel. Well, the book is about Mr. Toad, who is crazy about new-fangled contraptions(in other words, he LOVES new ideas!) Mr. Mole, who likes to draw everything he sees throughout the day in a sketchpad. Last but not least, there's Mr. water rat. He goes by Rat, and he lives next to the river. It's very interesting, and on page twenty-one, there is a chicken in it for no reason. It's HILARIOUS!!! If you like books with the main characters as animals, then you'll LOVE this book!!! :)


Phoebe said...

Lol!! That post was great!

Miranda said...

Thank ya Phoebe!!! :)