Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Ugh.... :(

I haven't gone to school today or yesterday... I have a virus with symptoms REALLY close to the flu, but it's not. I'm probably not going to school for the rest of the week, either, because I have a REALLY high fever(It was 104.1 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up this morning...), and other "bleh" feelings... :'( I'm probably going to have TONS of homework when I come back to school on Monday, but my mom is going to pick up some of my homework tomorrow so it won't be so bad...
I'm going to go have another nap... d:

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Oh my goodness. I, along with my brother Griffin, always plan ahead, and I've been sad right now, because I realized that my Christmas wish list(and, just stuff I want to buy in general! XD) includes NOTHING from AG. D:
Yup. You read that right. It's really simple, actually. All it includes is a Pullip. Or two... Haven't really decided on that part yet... Well, I HAVE, but then one of the two(Akoya, the ninja girl, if you're still with me here) just ENTIRELY disappeared from the site! D: :( I'm confused, because she's not in the arc hives, and she's not in the "buy" section, and when I search her name, NOTHING pops up! :'(
But, I FINALLY decided to sell some of my old toys! :D I listed my Zhu Zhu pets on my dad's special selling thing at work, and Griffin and I are currently "working" on seeing how much our old Playmobil sets will go for. :D And, since I NEED to make money for a Pullip, I *might* start selling doll stuff on etsy! That's ONLY if my mom lets me. ;)
So, I spend pretty much five hours a day on ebay and/or Pullip Style looking at stuff, and I MIGHT look at the sets of Playmobil on ebay today... ;)

Sunday, 9 October 2011


This blog really HAS been around for a while, hasn't it? Not that anyone notices... or cares.
Yeah, I KNOW that I might not be the most wonderful person ever, but I don't really GET it.
I've noticed that I've stayed at thirty-one followers for a while now. ... Two MONTHS, maybe?! I think that's just ludicrous! Considering all the other blogs I follow gain followers every few days or so.
What I'M wondering, is why more people haven't been following my blog. Yeah, I'm not greedy(usually) and I'm not ASKING for more followers, because I know I hate it when people do that. I just want to know WHY I don't have any more. Is it publicity? Because my YouTube sucks(which, I agree. It DOES suck. XD)? Because I don't post pictures or anything?
If you have any ideas, please let me know, and I'll TRY to improve my blog. D: I BEG OF YOU!!!

Monday, 3 October 2011

I don't know.

I really don't. I just don't know what to make of life anymore. I'm NOT going insane or anything, but I've just been thinking about everything. EVERYTHING you could POSSIBLY think of!
For example, just now I have been thinking (already) about Christmas, and I've been thinking about dolls, and I've been thinking about anime, and video games, and well... EVERYTHING!!!
And, on top of that, I just recently thought that I want a Pullip, but they make AG dolls seem like something you could buy everyday! D: THEY'RE SO EXPENSIVE!!!!! But, I ALSO want to make Cailin and Xaos(That's the name for my boy doll! :D) but there's just not enough money in the world right now for EVERYTHING I want to get!
I feel really bad about not making YouTube videos, but Windows Movie Maker keeps crashing on me, so I get REALLY pissed off and curse, and then I just walk away, so I NEED to find a new program! If you know of any free video editing software, let me know. ;)
Basically, I've just been trying to find myself, but I don't really know what to do about it. I KNOW life isn't always sugar coated, and I never said it was, but I just want to COMPLETELY figure out who I am so I can be happy again. :( I noticed that all my dolls, they all represent a part of me(except for my Sonali, who is a stuck up snob). Of course, SOME of them are so alike, there's no difference in them at all; such as Felicity and Hollie. But, lately, I've been feeling like a mix between Hollie and Kylie. In other words, senseless violence and sort of ninja.(Don't ask about the ninja part.)
Also, I don't really "fit in" with anyone. Sure, I'm a doll person, but not like the other doll people. I'm not a nerd, I'm not a "normal" person, as I call them(i.e. pretty clothes and straight hair and blah blah blah. I'm sorry if that offends you.) I'm NOT a sporty person, and I'm not a role-playing nerd. I'm sorry if I just offended you, but I just really don't know.
It seems like I'm the only one of my "kind". I'm a doll person, I LOVE zombie movies, and weapons, and video games, and anime, and steampunk(look it up if you don't know what it is). I'm SURE someone out there likes this stuff too, but I seem like the only one that likes this stuff, because none of my friends know what I'm talking about. At all. Well, EXCEPT for Phoebe, but that's only really with doll stuff.
Again, if you read this far, Kudos to you! :D Leave me a comment saying, "I like marshmallows" if you read this far, JUST so I know that SOMEONE reads my posts!

Saturday, 1 October 2011


I am REALLY lazy today. The only productive thing I did was practice my flute and saxophone.(I decided to start taking lessons for my alto, and I've gotten pretty good! :D)
But, there are a few things I've been wondering about. Other than Caitlin, I wanted to customize another doll, but it would be a boy. I was thinking something like blue eyes and grey emo hair? But I don't know, it was just a thought...
Also, I've noticed that whenever I beat a video game, I become INSANELY bored, and INSANELY violent. Well, TALKING about violence, as I don't DO anything! XD Well, THAT aside, I was wondering about whether or not that MEANS anything. Maybe... I'm working myself up to different types of stuff?
You see, when the year began, i was all "inspired" and frankly, quite hippie-ish. But, now I'm more like my older EMO brother; minus the emo hair and skinny jeans! XD I've been into video games more than EVER, and I've been interested in Manga and Gundam(giant robots controlled by people),(you know, THOSE things). This KIND OF worries me, because I've also been just not feeling like myself.
... Sure, I'm ENJOYING everything, but there's a problem I have.
I'm just an inexplicable person who doesn't really know herself.
Am I nice? Am I a jerk? I don't know. Do I like violence? Maybe. Am I happy? Honestly, I'm not sure. I have NO idea what I am anymore. Six months ago, I would have answered all those questions to make myself sound like a really nice person who is inspired. Now, I just don't know.
So, ummm, back to my dolls, I guess...(my thoughts are really scattered.) I'm not sure if I want Caitlin(Kylie's BFF) to have Green hair, or purple hair... There are these two wigs I REALLY like, but I LOVE the colour of the purple wig, and I LOVE the style of the green wig! HELP ME!!!! If you're allowed, go on ebay and search, "American girl doll heat resistant wig" in your spare time. The two I'M stuck between are: the ONLY green wig; and the short wig in wine with the braids on the side.
Which do YOU think it should be?! Of course, this MIGHT be a decision I have to eventually make myself, but for now I just want to know what you think.
By the way, if you read THIS far, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :D