Without further ado, I would like to begin! X)
"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma." -Patrick Star, Spongebob Squarepants. Well, not in this case! There's the ink wheels and the keys(the long things that- if you look closely- have little "keys" on the end). I love figuring out how things work, so this fascinates me. ;)
Kanani's new wig! X3 IT'S SO PRETTY!!! CX
Yumie spam!
Here's Yumie's new wig! :D It sure is purty. c:
This is sideways, but, uh... it shows how long her wig is! ^^;"
So, I never showed you guys her dragon tattoo, so, yeah... Oh, and the reason why her hand is missing is because it fell off. I already ordered an obitsu a while ago, so it should be coming soon. (^_^;)"
Takin' a nap~ Aww... c:
Yumie holdin' mah pocketwatch. X) I love that thing soo much(the watch, not the doll. Well, I love her too- you know what I mean. -_-)
My watchy buddy. :D Whenever I leave the house I have this in my pocket. (This is probably one of my favourite birthday presents ever; and yes, I have gotten AG dolls as b-day presents before(actually, 1/3 of my dolls I got for my birthday!), but I take this EVERYWHERE, and I get tons of use out of it, and I <3 clocks sooo much, so... ^^;" Don't hate me.)
Guess what? It even has a STAND! *O* Now THAT is a classy pocketwatch if I've ever seen one!
Oh, and sometime last week, I put the green wig I bought in December for a future custom doll on Yumie. It's a little big, but she looks so pretty!Emo hair. XD I was kind of blocking her light... (._. )
Here's that wig I mentioned that is also shown above! >:3
There, that should have caught everything up! I mean, not EVERYTHING, but still...
Also, while this is a picture post and I'm on the topic, I will be selling Chrissa, so I'll be giving her a "Moving away/goodbye" photostory and a "last hurrah" post containing every picture I have EVER taken of Chrissa. :'( I'm going to be really sad to see her go, but... I'm going to AG Place St. Louis sometime this month, and I wanted to have enough money to buy a new doll(or two!) and some outfits. Currently, I have $84 saved up, but I need about $13 to buy a new book on the 24th, so I would not have enough at all.
Anyway, my point is, I'm selling Chrissa, I'm really sad about that, I'm buying a new doll, and I'm possibly getting new outfits. ;) I was going to also sell some other doll stuff I never use (like a doll salon chair that kind of sucks), so my $$$ may increase by anywhere from $100- $150 more than I have now, so I'll have to start planning what I will buy! X3
So... What did you think of this post? Did you like it much better than all the posts I regularly do? Do you want me to do more posts like this in the future? Just give me feedback! I can do more posts like these since I finally switched over to the new Blogger set-up (... I was sooo confused at first... XD I'm stuck in my ways! Lol) so just tell me what you want to see! Again, I can tell you more about the stuff shown here, I can show you more pictures (if you want me to show you more details of the stuff I showed here) anything! I might even start doing that 30 Day photo challenge before the summer ends... >:3
I love Yumie's new wig!!!!! :D
As well as your crossed out name for the type writer. I like this post. Do more like these, woman! ;)
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy but I just nominated you, so post it maybe? I nominated you for the I Love Your Blog award. ;)
OMG!!! I sooooooo want that Yumie doll!! She's so pretty!! Heehee!
Oh, and thanks for giving me a list of some animes. :)
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