Thursday 7 October 2010

I'm dreaming of jumping in leaf piles...

I am calm, I am serene. When I hear classical music, I think someone is going to die. Thanks a LOT, 5th period health teacher. Oh, it's calming. NOT! I was hypreventalaing while trying to do my homework because of it. I may have just spoken gibberish, but I know what it means. In horror movies, they sometimes put on classical music, and then half the characters are killed. Yeah, that's REALLY calming. Oh well, enough world hating for today. I sometimes get carried away. Oh! Big news! I could post comments again today! WOOOOOOOO! Did you know that Fire Salamanders are poisonous? Yeah, I didn't. Not 'till last week. Well, I am currently fresh out of ideas to blog about, tell me what you want me to blog about next. I will slowly figure out things to blog about soon. What does autumn make you feel like? It makes me feel like raking leaves just to jump in them and mess them up again. How does that make you feel? For adults, unless you do something interesting, completely diregard this message. So, do you like Pomegranete? I like Pomegranete. Yes, it is a fruit. Yes, it's poisonous. Yes, you're supposed to eat the seeds. And now to entirely change the subject... I gave my Peruvian guinea pig a haircut today. He didn't like it. The poor guy also had to have a bath. He was shivering, the poor fellow.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

SORRY! This was kinda a REALLY weird post, This probably will happen again! Disregard this post, especially if you are sane!!! :)