Tuesday 5 October 2010


Well, if any of you haven't seen any recent-ish comments, it's because when I try to post them, blogger says 'service unavailable Error 503'. It sucks! I want to comment and say 'I can't comment,' but I can't comment! Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but I want you to know that I love reading all your blogs, and I love to comment on your blogs, too. Have ANY of you had this problem, too? If you aren't having it now, comment on it, or if you can't comment, vote in my new poll. So for now......................PEACE OUT!!! :)

P.S. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help.


Anonymous said...

Miss you posting .. sorry your having issues ..

Phoebe said...

I never have comment trouble, but when ever I upload pics to my posts, Blogger puts these wierd spaces between them.

Miranda said...

Same here!!! :)