Saturday 9 July 2011

Well, I might as well tell you...

Okay. SO, this is irrelevant to your lives and everything and this may affect your being able to read my posts in the next few months, but it's just a heads up...

I'M LEARNING FRENCH!!!! :D So, you're probably wondering how this will affect you, but I'll probably type a little bit in French every post, but I'll give you the English translation in parentheses.

Yeah, I've been doing nothing all week... No SERIOUSLY! I've been sitting in my bed in my pajamas playing video games, listening to music, and eating pizza. If THAT'S not nothing, then I don't know what is. I think I'm the queen of the lazies. Oh, and Windows Movie Maker keeps on crasking every two seconds(really every minute or so) so the movie may be delayed... Other than that, there really isn't anything good to post about...


1 comment:

Lilac said...

I really want to learn French,but I have to learn Spanish first.:)