Friday 19 August 2011

It's been ABOUT a week...

I decided to forget about my stupid break. I've played all my video games I own, I'm pretty much out of ideas for my dolls, and I'm just overall BORED! I mean, I haven't read a book in a few months(it wouldn't be called a "break" if I had to learn!) and I decided that it was about time for me to start reading again. So, I picked up my dad's old copy of Sherlock Holmes, and it's actually pretty interesting! Sure, the font is tiny, and it took me half an hour to read the first two pages of 636, but it's an interesting book.
ANYWAY, other than that and the fact that Willow(my most recent doll) is a controlling jerk again, everything's fine! :D
P.S. There was NO SARCASM in this post.


Emma Kate said...

DO you like drawing? Maybe you could do that?

Lilac said...

I love video games.XD

Miranda said...

I love video games too. And, yes, I DO like drawing, but I never know what to draw. Today I started drawing a cool picture of myself that looks all evil like I'm gonna kill somebody, but that's only because I didn't know what to do during "Study hall".
