Thursday 11 August 2011


Thank all zero of you who decided to actually guess about which outfit I got! :D(You sense the sarcasm too, right?)
Well, ANYWAY...(sorry, Blogger changed so now it's really retarded! It won't let me highlight anything, so I can't have the font I had just above the picture. :( ) I just got back from Phoebe's house, and my mom told me my doll clothes came, so I have some pictures of them. :D
I'm probably going to have more pictures throughtout this upcoming week of the clothes my mom SAYS she's going to make(I hope it'll be today.) So, I'm super excited! :D
Oh, and the picture is of this bracelet I bought for Willow while I was on vacation last week. ;)
SO... These are the ADORABLE shoes that I got from erinslittlesecrets on etsy.
And, since the clothes ARE for Willow, I had her model the trench coat and shoes. AREN'T THEY ADORABLE?!?!?!?
A close up(even though I really HATE blogger right now! It won't let me do ANYTHING to my fony! >:( )
The sleeve detail.
And, a sideways picture that the stupid people at blogger won't turn the right way! But, if your head is currently sideways, I would like to know what you think of my purchase! It's adorable, right? :D

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's adorable. I love the shoes!