Thursday 10 March 2011


First of all, I would like to say that I am ALSO possibly getting the luggage set(refer to my previous post if you don't know what this is about), AND, today, my mom got a Kindle! She needed TONS of help from me, with her buying books and such... she's lost in the world of technology. She says she feels like Ralphie did on Christmas when he got a Red Rider BB gun(from the movie A Christmas Story). I got to know it, and it's AMAZING!!! At first, I was all, "Oh, nooks are better, meh," but... now I want a Kindle! Eh, there's always next year. Wait, but I was gonna get like, five other dolls next year... damn.(sorry. :(... I couldn't help it!)

Well, peace out!!! :D



Rachel said...

I tagged you Miranda!Go to my blog,please!:)

Lilac said...

Tagged!You are tagged,now you have to write seven random thing about you.Then you tag seven bloggers.Have Fun!