Tuesday 1 February 2011

IMPORTANT updates!!!

If you haven't noticed, I changed my blogs layout! That left column bothered me, but it's gone now!!! :D

Also, most of you know this already, but if you didn't know, I'll tell you!

I don't own a Samantha doll. D:

Yes, it's horrible, I know.

That's about to change.

I went to a WONDERFUL site called eBay, and in two days(right before the auction ends) I will be the proud owner of a 1986 Samantha doll!!! I can ONLY afford her because she needs TLC, and I decided I would like to fix up my fist doll! She has her ORIGINAL(Yes, from Pleasant company, in 1986) outfit, and her hair is frizzy! But, I will commit to fixing her up so I can have my TENTH doll!!! :D


P.S. Have YOU bought a doll ONLY to fix her up? If so, did you keep her, or sell her? I would LOVE to know!!! :D

1 comment:

Cara May said...

I love your new layout!It is so pretty! I need to chang emine it looks to summer!