Monday 21 February 2011

Yello! :D

I'M BAACKKKK!!! :D I came home about an hour ago, but I was busy catching up on posts. :( I'm sorry, but it wasn't fun. Don't give me that look! I LOVE all your blogs, but I'm tired, and my brother is being mean to me, so staring mindlessly at a computer screen isn't too fun. :( I amn't(am not) in the mood to load my +100 pictures onto the computer right now, so you will see a REALLY fat post full-o pictures sometime this week. For now, i will say one word.



P.S. You know, Peeps, the marshmallows? I saw my FIRST Peep store this weekend, so I am continually saying, "Peep!" XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a peep store? I've never heard that before!