Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Almost. it's almost midnight here, and I'm STILL awake! YAY! I have been drinking a LOT of sparkling grape juice, and I feel better. I hardly drank anything else today, except for water when I had lunch. otherwise, I don't feel much better. Oh, and while I'm rambling, one of my New Year's resolutions is to not ramble as much in my posts! Also, It's not in my control, but, I want our house to be more organized, too. My room is clean, but my mom NEEDS a kindle! The library next to my room SERIOUSLY makes my room look AMAZING! That's bad. There's books(romance novels) in cardboard boxes stacked to the ceiling! It also is a guest room, so, we never have guests. Oh, and all of our would-be guests live in Canada, and most of them don't like going down here much... Before I move on to my next paragraph, I want to tell my dad happy birthday. He's old(er) now. Hehe, inside jokes are fun!

Oh, and the reason I haven't been posting in the past, week... is because I have been non-stop playing Epic Mickey on my Wii. I get addicted to games easily, so, ... yeah. It's a good game. Now I'm obsessed with an old Disney character named Oswald. He's a cool bunny! So, enough of my rambles! I enjoyed Christmas this year. I got everything I wanted, and more. I didn't get fabric, though. :( Sadness. Welp, I have nothing more to ramble(you've been hearing that word a lot in this post, haven't you?) so................. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! My favorite colors! :)/:D/:0/;)

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

NOOOOOOOOO! I love your rambles. Haha. I love that card! It says: "It is your Birthday. Happy Birthday Phoebe! You're old now." Happy New year!