Saturday 1 January 2011


DOLL PRICES ARE RISING!!! One doll WITHOUT accessories is now $100!!! YOU ARE KIDDING ME! I'm still going to get Kanani for my birthday, specifically her starter collection, I actually plan to get her, Molly, Emily, Ruthie, and Kit this year. I don't know if Molly or Kit is being retired this year, so I'm getting both! Man, FIVE DOLLS in one year! I need to get all the money I can get! I already have a plan: I get Kanani for my birthday, I buy Molly and Emily, and for Christmas, I get Kit and Ruthie! IT'S GENIUS! That means I'll have... FOURTEEN DOLLS BY THE END OF 2011! This will be THE BEST year EVER!!! Of course, I'm in debt to my parents, so... I won't get allowance until next Saturday... I'm ALREADY behind! It sucks. Well, Happy New Year, and Happy New Year for getting new dolls!!! :)

Goodbye, Lanie Holland. Let your prices rise on eBay. Oh, one more thing. Go on American Girl and look at Kanani! SHE'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DOLL I HAVE EVER SEEN! She has hair like mine, and I also have hazel eyes! She's a pretty doll.


Amy said...

Yes! I'm getting Kanani too! I was really mad about the price change. Kanani rocks! I'm soooooo glad I didn't get Lanie. She was ugly compared to Kanani!


Phoebe said...

LOL "Let your prices rise on eBay!" Happy New Year!

Miranda said...

Actually, I'll wait until American Girl announces which doll they're going to retire before I order anymore dolls. So, I will probably get three dolls this year!!! :0

That's still second place for the most dolls I have f=gotten in a year! 2009 was in first.