The subject matter of today is Arashi; my Taeyang. I've REALLY neglected taking photos of him. (I think I only have like, six...? And I've had him for 9 months. ._____.) But ya see, I kinda brushed his wig and never replaced it, and I wanted to touch-up his face-up (basically, if you don't customize dolls, re-do his face makeup.) because I don't really like it that much... (._. )
SO. What does this all mean? Well, I found a wig that I wanted to buy for him, but it's $27 (not including the like, $20 shipping. =_______=) Anyways, it's a lot. I'd be almost broke if I bought that now. Which I'll probably do anyways... |3 And I realized his eyechips(basically, his eyes) were kind of dark, so I wanted to replace those, too. I've had an idea of making him look more like a ninja in my opinion for a while now, but I wanted him to have silver hair and pale eyes. :3
I like these eyechips, but I think they're a tad too dark... I wanted him to have pale eyes, and these are too much like his old ones for me. :\
These ones I LOVE!!! They're a pale grey, so that'd look AWESOME, but I'm worried that they would clash with his wig colour... Too similar. I could get him a black wig instead, but IDK.
I also like these (well der, I put them here as options. -_- *slaps self for being derpy*) but I think they might be kind of tropical for what I'm going for... Not quite sure.
This one I also like, and while I would've probably chosen to buy it in black, it's sold out in black, but I think I like it better in brown, anyways... :3 It's really awesome, though! It's really close to the style I had in mind, and It'd make him look AWESOME! >:D
OKAY. So, what do you think? I may/may not buy something before anyone comments, because I have little self control (Actually, saying I have even a LITTLE is a stretch...) and Arashi just really... ^^;" YEAH. I kind of got him all prepared to be customized because I think I'll work on his new face-up tonight. I have chalk pastels and coloured pencils, and we have sandpaper, so I'm really ready to go! I just need to have a set-in-stone plan. :\ OH RIGHT and my brother builds model Gundams, so I can ask to use his Gundam marker to do eye liner and stuff~ ;D
Well, I hope you enjoyed me actually posting pictures and stuff...? Better than my usual boring rants, yes? :)