Thursday 20 January 2011

Snow day Pictures!!! :D

I was in the mood to go outside and take some pictures of our few plants outside our house during this snow day! I took this ono of one of our mini pine trees in our backyard, and I didn't even use the zoom method!!! :D This one, down here, isn't one of my favorites, but... it's alright, I guess.
I LOVE how the snow is just sitting there, on the branches, waiting for a breeze to blow it away...
This branch is dead and all, but it still has some pine needles!
Do you see that blurry spot just to the right of the center? Well, that's a snowflake on the lens. We're supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow!
I kind of took this without looking, but I REALLY like it!
Well, i admit this one is a lot better than the other pictures with snowflakes on them! :D
Sideways shrubs. My fave.

Well, I am having a snow day today, even though it WAS supposed to be a two hour early release! Yup, snows a falling, and to my surprise, no one has gone sledding yet! I know I'm almost ALWAYS the first one to go sledding, but they're going to BUILD A FLIPPING HOUSE RIGHT ON THAT HILL!!! So, I don't trust it anymore. I am SO upset, more upset than Phoebe was when she found out Felicity and Elizabeth were being retired! That shows how upset I am! Also, there is a forest RIGHT behind that house they may build, and I wanted to take some pictures there this summer! THAT'S why I am SOO upset!!! >:( That forest should be a nature preserve! It (bad word, bad word...) SO much, I want... (more bad words) and complain to the city! UGH! >:(

Don't the people who own the hill realize that kids like to go sledding there? Don't they realize that some of their neighbors,(ahem, me...) like to take pictures there? :(


P.S. Do you like my pictures? :D


American Girl Doll Hairstyles said...

I love your snow pictures! Great job Miranda =D

Miranda said...

Thanks!!! :D
