Friday 28 January 2011


Hello, followers of my blog! I will now show you some trees! If you didn't already know, I have ALWAYS loved trees! Taking pictures of them is just ONE of my many hobbies, but I just couldn't figure out how to work it so that my pictures look good! (You may have noticed my failed attempts in my snow day posts...( I even draw trees! I won artist of the month at my old school by drawing a tree, I got a pack of markers!!! :D So, I will now present my gallery of trees I took today!!! :) Enjoy! I forgot to mention, but the captions are what was going on in my head while I was pushing the shutter!

Oh my gosh, I think I will cry if I don't snap the shutter RIGHT NOW!!!
I like the intricate branches, how they're weaving through each other... :)
How bold, I will try to manage a picture of how I see it, but I know it won't be HALF as pretty as what I see...
Stunning, absolutely stunning...
Oh my goodness, I want to LIVE in this mini forest!!!! :D
Branches... again... I'll snap the shutter, and see how it turns out...
I HAVE to photograph this babbling brook! IT IS GORGEOUS!!!!!
This tree is very inspirational...
HEY! How did this turn out sideways?!?! It was taken UPSIDE DOWN!!!! Oh well, it still looks pretty...
Oh my gosh... I'm breath taken...
Look at all those branches! How old IS this tree???
It looks like a magic walkway!! I MUST SNAP SHUTTER!!!!!
OMG! If THAT looked like a magic walkway, then what would this be? It looks TEN times as pretty... to me, that is!
... No comment...
I like this shot, it looks pretty, and it looks like it was in layers... which it was... X D
How... intricate...
Hello, little branch!!! :D
Um... I SAID hi, you know...
I FLIPPING LOVE THIS SHOT!!! I will print it out and hang it in my room!!!
Stunning... absolutely stunning... it just looks like a bunch of lines, though!
Wow... I had NO idea I could make such simple trees look SO pretty!
Hello again, babbling brook! (I like saying that! Try saying it three or five times fast!!! :D)
Snow on the branches... bliss...
Do you see the branch in the top right corner? I don't like it, but it makes the shot!

THIS is a BEAUTIFUL tree! It's mother must be proud... XD

By the way, I DID cry because of the awesome power of these beautiful trees at the end... :.)

What do you think? If I put these pictures up on, would you buy them? Because if you WOULD... then I MAY open up an etsy account!


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