Saturday, 31 December 2011

It's over?!

There it goes. 2011's gone, people. Today's the LAST day of the year! I didn't really accomplish ANYTHING that I planned to do, but there ARE some little things that happened to me along the way!

Here, I'll list some. ;D

1. I became an otaku(look it up.)
2. I got three new dolls(Willow, Kanani, and Kylie)
3. I became OBSSESSED with the Kingdom Hearts games!!! :D (Not that I wasn't aware of them before, but then I PLAYED the games... :o)
4. I got my first Pullip, Dal, and Taeyang(I N-E-E-D to post pictures of them, but my profile picture is of my Dal's shoes. :) )
5. I got a camera this year.
6. I started writing a book
7. I got a YouTube and posted two terrible videos in which I sound like a boy. XD
8. I started watching anime and reading manga
9. I got rid of Lanie's dictatorship over my doll town and now all is calm.
10. Caitlin's wig(Kylie's BFF that I will make next year. She's another custom doll. ;D)
11. I got my saxophone this year. (:D)
12. I now am the proud owner of an iPod touch.
13. I FINALLY became the age of the number of this fact of 2011.
14. I learned to never, EVER drink a full bottle of sparkling white grape juice on New Year's Eve AGAIN.

Thank you for reading this, because after tonight where I get "drunk" (yeah, not really, but last year I just felt kind of tipsy. XD) on sparkling NON-ALCOHOLIC white grape juice, I probably will be working on my school projects and book...

Well, happy new year! May this year we will be entering in a few hours bring many new dolls for all of you!(and McKenna's new bed and pajamas, if you've seen how AWESOME they are! :D)


Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas everyone! :D

Have you guys been enjoying today so far? I know I have! :D

I WOULD have taken pictures of my new dolls(NOT AG dolls), but I couldn't find my camera! :( BUT... since I CAN tell you about them, and you can Google image them if you REALLY want to know what they look like, I got Akoya(a Pullip) and Arashi(a Taeyang). They're both ninjas, and I was LITERALLY spazzing out last night about them! :D Sadly, when I was taking Arashi out of his box, his foot like, BROKE, but it's okay... I've got a plan to fix it... d:

I also got two new AG outfits! One is this A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E dress, and the other is this hard to describe outfit! On top of that, I got an accessory set, and it basically has a newsboy hat, ipod(with headphones), purse, belt, and a scarf. The hat is REALLY cute, and I think it's not my favourite thing ever. ;D

My dad gave me a how to draw Manga book, and some special markers for doing so!

I got some other stuff(and enough choclate to last me several days, since that's probably all I will consume! XD) but it's kind of minor, and I'll probably bore you even more than I already have if I tell you about it! XD I tend to ramble a lot...

Well, Happy Holidays everyone! :D I hope you guys got what you wanted for Christmas! ;)


Thursday, 8 December 2011

I haven't posted in F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!

How long has it been? Almost a month? Yikes! That's a bit too long for my liking!
But, I don't really blame myself(PSST!!! I REALLY DO!) because I haven't DONE anything doll related in a LOOOONNNGGG time, so it makes sense. But, I DID start making a steampunk outfit for my AG dolls, and so far I have lace leggings and a musical note bubble skirt. :D It's pretty darn cute, but I need to make the shirt. And belt. And order the boots... XD
And, SPEAKING of Steampunk stuff, I ordered the limited edition Dal! :D If you don't know what a Dal is, just google it, or go on Wikipedia and search, "Pullip". She's in the Pullip family, and I LOVE her SOOO much! She SHOULD be here tomorrow, because on the FedEx package tracking thing it said she was in a neighboring state, so THAT is AWESOME! I'll probably put pictures of her(AND some of Kylie, because I haven't showed her with her face paint. She looks JUST the way she does in my profile picture, but I'll probably change it soon so I can put a picture of my new Dal, whom I am renaming Rebbecca.)
So, that little ramble aside, I've been busy practicing for my Honor Band auditions for the three weeks or so following my absence(Yes, I tried out for the same Honor band Phoebe did, but the difference is that I SERIOUSLY screwed up my prepared flute song, and I'm fine with the fact that I didn't get in.) I ALSO tried out for Honor Jazz Band on Saxophone, but I got runner up. I found that REALLY unfair, because I realized when the results were posted on Monday that there was a REAL mistake in my music. I mean, it WASN'T how I played the stuff, but it was an A that was SUPPOSED to be a B, so then I was REALLY pissed off.
Also while I was gone, I've been watching Anime and Reading Manga and awesome stuff like that. Well, mind you I DO go to school, and I had projects and stuff, so YEEAAAHHHH.....
What has happened to YOU guys recently?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Hi again. :(

I don't really know why, but I've been feeling kind of depressed lately. I straightened Chrissa's hair today, and she looks SOOO pretty, but I haven't had much more joy in my life other than that. My best friend and I haven't really had any REAL conversation in a while, so that just kind of makes me sad. And, I'm really stressed between practicing two instruments for an audition for two REALLY hard to get into bands, and ALSO balancing homework, not to mention finding some downtime. I'm just kind of overwhelmed and sad, I guess.
On top of this sadness, I'm usually thinking as deep as I can about the point in life. I just can't put my finger on it...
BUT, I can't have an ENTIRELY sad post, can I?!?! Well, I decided that I might start making some doll outfits to sell on etsy, so you might have that to look forward to(I JUST need some money for patterns and material.) I just had TONS of fun when I made a hoodie for Kylie the other day, and I'm pretty proud of myself. :D
Has there been any time in your life where you felt more sad then you have before?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Hey guys!

I have a challenge for myself. This challenge for me is whether or not I can go a whole day without laughing and/or smiling. I think it seems pretty reasonable, but it's also a LOT harder than you may think. Unless you're depressed(which I am NOT) it's pretty hard.
I'm not really sure why I'm trying not to laugh for a whole day, but it just kind of popped into my head, and I was like, "Yeah... YEAH! I could DO that!" But... THEN I thought of how many times I laugh and smile in a day... A lot.
I put a poll on my sidebar(vote soon! It ends tomorrow! D:) and I want to know what you guys think! ;D

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Ugh.... :(

I haven't gone to school today or yesterday... I have a virus with symptoms REALLY close to the flu, but it's not. I'm probably not going to school for the rest of the week, either, because I have a REALLY high fever(It was 104.1 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up this morning...), and other "bleh" feelings... :'( I'm probably going to have TONS of homework when I come back to school on Monday, but my mom is going to pick up some of my homework tomorrow so it won't be so bad...
I'm going to go have another nap... d:

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Oh my goodness. I, along with my brother Griffin, always plan ahead, and I've been sad right now, because I realized that my Christmas wish list(and, just stuff I want to buy in general! XD) includes NOTHING from AG. D:
Yup. You read that right. It's really simple, actually. All it includes is a Pullip. Or two... Haven't really decided on that part yet... Well, I HAVE, but then one of the two(Akoya, the ninja girl, if you're still with me here) just ENTIRELY disappeared from the site! D: :( I'm confused, because she's not in the arc hives, and she's not in the "buy" section, and when I search her name, NOTHING pops up! :'(
But, I FINALLY decided to sell some of my old toys! :D I listed my Zhu Zhu pets on my dad's special selling thing at work, and Griffin and I are currently "working" on seeing how much our old Playmobil sets will go for. :D And, since I NEED to make money for a Pullip, I *might* start selling doll stuff on etsy! That's ONLY if my mom lets me. ;)
So, I spend pretty much five hours a day on ebay and/or Pullip Style looking at stuff, and I MIGHT look at the sets of Playmobil on ebay today... ;)

Sunday, 9 October 2011


This blog really HAS been around for a while, hasn't it? Not that anyone notices... or cares.
Yeah, I KNOW that I might not be the most wonderful person ever, but I don't really GET it.
I've noticed that I've stayed at thirty-one followers for a while now. ... Two MONTHS, maybe?! I think that's just ludicrous! Considering all the other blogs I follow gain followers every few days or so.
What I'M wondering, is why more people haven't been following my blog. Yeah, I'm not greedy(usually) and I'm not ASKING for more followers, because I know I hate it when people do that. I just want to know WHY I don't have any more. Is it publicity? Because my YouTube sucks(which, I agree. It DOES suck. XD)? Because I don't post pictures or anything?
If you have any ideas, please let me know, and I'll TRY to improve my blog. D: I BEG OF YOU!!!

Monday, 3 October 2011

I don't know.

I really don't. I just don't know what to make of life anymore. I'm NOT going insane or anything, but I've just been thinking about everything. EVERYTHING you could POSSIBLY think of!
For example, just now I have been thinking (already) about Christmas, and I've been thinking about dolls, and I've been thinking about anime, and video games, and well... EVERYTHING!!!
And, on top of that, I just recently thought that I want a Pullip, but they make AG dolls seem like something you could buy everyday! D: THEY'RE SO EXPENSIVE!!!!! But, I ALSO want to make Cailin and Xaos(That's the name for my boy doll! :D) but there's just not enough money in the world right now for EVERYTHING I want to get!
I feel really bad about not making YouTube videos, but Windows Movie Maker keeps crashing on me, so I get REALLY pissed off and curse, and then I just walk away, so I NEED to find a new program! If you know of any free video editing software, let me know. ;)
Basically, I've just been trying to find myself, but I don't really know what to do about it. I KNOW life isn't always sugar coated, and I never said it was, but I just want to COMPLETELY figure out who I am so I can be happy again. :( I noticed that all my dolls, they all represent a part of me(except for my Sonali, who is a stuck up snob). Of course, SOME of them are so alike, there's no difference in them at all; such as Felicity and Hollie. But, lately, I've been feeling like a mix between Hollie and Kylie. In other words, senseless violence and sort of ninja.(Don't ask about the ninja part.)
Also, I don't really "fit in" with anyone. Sure, I'm a doll person, but not like the other doll people. I'm not a nerd, I'm not a "normal" person, as I call them(i.e. pretty clothes and straight hair and blah blah blah. I'm sorry if that offends you.) I'm NOT a sporty person, and I'm not a role-playing nerd. I'm sorry if I just offended you, but I just really don't know.
It seems like I'm the only one of my "kind". I'm a doll person, I LOVE zombie movies, and weapons, and video games, and anime, and steampunk(look it up if you don't know what it is). I'm SURE someone out there likes this stuff too, but I seem like the only one that likes this stuff, because none of my friends know what I'm talking about. At all. Well, EXCEPT for Phoebe, but that's only really with doll stuff.
Again, if you read this far, Kudos to you! :D Leave me a comment saying, "I like marshmallows" if you read this far, JUST so I know that SOMEONE reads my posts!

Saturday, 1 October 2011


I am REALLY lazy today. The only productive thing I did was practice my flute and saxophone.(I decided to start taking lessons for my alto, and I've gotten pretty good! :D)
But, there are a few things I've been wondering about. Other than Caitlin, I wanted to customize another doll, but it would be a boy. I was thinking something like blue eyes and grey emo hair? But I don't know, it was just a thought...
Also, I've noticed that whenever I beat a video game, I become INSANELY bored, and INSANELY violent. Well, TALKING about violence, as I don't DO anything! XD Well, THAT aside, I was wondering about whether or not that MEANS anything. Maybe... I'm working myself up to different types of stuff?
You see, when the year began, i was all "inspired" and frankly, quite hippie-ish. But, now I'm more like my older EMO brother; minus the emo hair and skinny jeans! XD I've been into video games more than EVER, and I've been interested in Manga and Gundam(giant robots controlled by people),(you know, THOSE things). This KIND OF worries me, because I've also been just not feeling like myself.
... Sure, I'm ENJOYING everything, but there's a problem I have.
I'm just an inexplicable person who doesn't really know herself.
Am I nice? Am I a jerk? I don't know. Do I like violence? Maybe. Am I happy? Honestly, I'm not sure. I have NO idea what I am anymore. Six months ago, I would have answered all those questions to make myself sound like a really nice person who is inspired. Now, I just don't know.
So, ummm, back to my dolls, I guess...(my thoughts are really scattered.) I'm not sure if I want Caitlin(Kylie's BFF) to have Green hair, or purple hair... There are these two wigs I REALLY like, but I LOVE the colour of the purple wig, and I LOVE the style of the green wig! HELP ME!!!! If you're allowed, go on ebay and search, "American girl doll heat resistant wig" in your spare time. The two I'M stuck between are: the ONLY green wig; and the short wig in wine with the braids on the side.
Which do YOU think it should be?! Of course, this MIGHT be a decision I have to eventually make myself, but for now I just want to know what you think.
By the way, if you read THIS far, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :D

Friday, 16 September 2011

KYLIE!!!!!! :D

Okay... NOT really sure WHY the pictures are sideways... But, here is her "before" picture...
... And After! Here she is! :D
ISN'T SHE PRETTY!?!?! She has blue eyes, but she's being emo right now. XD lol. The shoes ARE one of the two pairs I ordered from releaserain on ebay, and I ALSO bought her wig there, but I got the last one. :) Sorry, shes' not ENTIRELY done(I still need to paint her lips purple. :( ) but She's in play-able condition, so I thought, "Hey, why DON'T I show the pictures???"
Sooo... WHat do you think?! Did I do a good job in your opinion? Do you <3 her hair streak? Her hair? I would LOVE to know! :D

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Okay. So, a few days ago i ordered my doll in need of TLC, and I JUST got her in the mail, like ten minutes ago. And, after checking out the doll, I learned that I am NOW the proud owner of...
A PLEASANT COMPANY DOLL!!! :D A Kirsten, to be exact, but she has a bad haircut, she needs re-stringing, new stuffing, and her face paint is all worn off, but that's one of the reasons why 1 didn't just buy a NEW doll! So, YES, I WILL post a YouTube video of the pictures and everything, and for any of you future doll fixers that want to know how I do the stuff in the video(this WILL be a video, and I WILL post it, and I will slap myself in the face if I don't) I am using the guide to doll fixing(or something like that...) From: it's in the article section, and I HIGHLY recomend using it! I've ran through it a few times previously, and I know what to do, so be SURE to do that before working on your doll.
So, I will show you a before and after picture of Kylie(the doll I'm making) when I finish with her. :)
So, I have to get to work! ;)

Monday, 12 September 2011

Oh my gosh.

First of all, have you guys read that Coconut's being retired? I read that, and I was SHOCKED. I'm not ENTIRELY sure if that's true or not, so don't freak out.
Second of all, I got TWO trench coats yesterday, so now I'm SUPERDUPERHAPPYIT'SNOTEVENFUNNY! And, today, my new shoes came! :D :D :D Also, I ordered a doll I WILL turn into Kylie! n_n Superspaztasticallyhappy.
I just wanted to let you wonderful followers of me know that. That, AND if I don't post in a few days I feel like I'm deserting everything. Maybe I should post less...

Saturday, 10 September 2011

I made something! :D

For now, I won't have pictures, mostly because my camera doesn't have batteries. :(
BUT, I made a tee shirt for my dolls today! :D WHY is this so amazing??? Well, this is the first actual piece of clothing I made for my dolls! :o
I'm quite proud of it.
PEACE OUT!!!(well, I'm not EXACTLY one for TOTAL peace... lol)

Thursday, 8 September 2011

My doll "plans"

Subject to change, of course! ;)
Okay. So, for now, my plans for my dolls(and other "needs" of mine) are THIS:
1. GET A KYLIE!!!(Her wig came today, along with her converse, so I NEED to get a doll!)
2. Get new headphones. The cord ripped, and now the wires are showing. D:
... What do you think? I "NEED" everything listed here, but as for Kylie...
Hey. If YOU have a blue eyed AG doll that needs SOME work... Just Kiddin'! XD
Although, she IS the first thing I need... But, she's the only ACTUAL need on the list, because her wig and two pairs of converse came today, so I have everything BUT the doll herself! :,(
Oh, and before I forget to mention it, I started a YouTube series, but who knows if I'll EVER go through with it enough to finish making it! I still HAVE the video clips from my first "official" series, "The Young Starlet", but this one's better. It's something REALLY different, and I THINK you'll like it. It still stars Gwen(or, Lauren, in both the series.) but there's a SMALL conspiracy going on, so it's more interesting.
Now... before I "give-away" anything more...

Monday, 5 September 2011

Call me "over-thinker", but...

I already have my whole Christmas wish-list figured out! :D
Since I have nothing better to do, I thought I'd list it out!(Oh, and mind you I was going to buy about half of the stuff on the list, okay?!)
Kanani's Ukulele set
Kanani's party dress
Kanani's Aloha outfit
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Special Mini Kit
Special mini Rebbecca
Special mini Kirsten
Special mini Felicity
Merry and Bright Dress
Holiday accessories
Frosty party outfit
Coconut pajama's
Sporty Winter outfit
Snowshoe set
Cozy Sweater outfit
Sweet School Dress(maybe.)
... Sure, it's a little lengthy, but considering I'm going to buy about half of this stuff myself with my own money, WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!?!?!
Kit and Ruthie MIGHT be retired this year, and THAT would screw up my AG buying plans.
~Mr. W

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Yo wadd'up

I'm getting a "new" doll.
Well, more like CUSTOMIZING a clearly abused doll that I will restore and make all "pretty" again. IF you have been reading Gwen's posts(which are a little TOO honest for moi...), everything you read there is true. I AM making an emo doll, and yes, I HAVE been leaving my dolls feel left out.
But, don't worry. Everything will shake out in the end. ;)
Oh, but I DO pity Hollie, because I keep telling her I'm going to get Jesse, and then I buy a different doll. So, yeah, I feel bad.
But MAN!!! I'm SOOOO SUPER EXCITED to FINALLY fix up a doll and customize her!!! The only thing I DON'T need to change is her eyes, which is good, because I have NO IDEA how to change the eyes.(Besides, wouldn't that be creepy???)
Oh, and yes, the doll IS going to be called Kylie. And no, she does NOT have a last name, as I plan to keep it that way.
Now, if you excuse me, I have some stuff I need to finsh! ;)

Friday, 26 August 2011

Sad. :(

You know that feeling you get when you do something you love, and it brings joy to your hearts? Most likely that feeling when you play with(or "pose") your AG dolls? Well, I've been feeling like my dolls and I are becoming "disconnected". I just don't feel like they bring happiness to me anymore. And no, I haven't been feeling this way towards my dolls for a long time, it's just been this last week.
Now. What REALLY worries me about my dilemma, is that this is the same way I felt when I stopped playing with Littlest Pet Shop when I was ten(it was my favourite toy, okay?!) So, yeah, I'm really scared about what I might do with my dolls. I don't feel like getting any new ones, or getting them new clothes, or even just picking them up!
Have any of you felt this way before? And, if you did, COMMENT AND TELL ME HOW YOU DEALT WITH THIS!!!

Friday, 19 August 2011

It's been ABOUT a week...

I decided to forget about my stupid break. I've played all my video games I own, I'm pretty much out of ideas for my dolls, and I'm just overall BORED! I mean, I haven't read a book in a few months(it wouldn't be called a "break" if I had to learn!) and I decided that it was about time for me to start reading again. So, I picked up my dad's old copy of Sherlock Holmes, and it's actually pretty interesting! Sure, the font is tiny, and it took me half an hour to read the first two pages of 636, but it's an interesting book.
ANYWAY, other than that and the fact that Willow(my most recent doll) is a controlling jerk again, everything's fine! :D
P.S. There was NO SARCASM in this post.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Talking to myself.

(Thinking to myself is more like it.) First of all, after watching the finale of Food Network Star(for those of you who care/watch it, Jeff won. :D ) It occurred to me that I don't really know myself.
In fact, NOBODY knows me! There's just so much to know about a person, that it's impossible to know everything about one another.
It ALSO occurred to me that when I think of new videos to make, but I never actually get around to filming, most are just inspired by things I recently watched or games I just beat. I realized I need my OWN story.
You may remember, but I tried to be different a few months ago, but I quickly returned to my normal self. Well, I'm not really sure WHY I tried to change who I was.
I should be proud of who I am. We all should be proud of ourselves(don't get carried away, though!)
Heck, don't we all want to be proud of where we've gotten in life? Proud that we have our own stories and people look up to those stories? Well, I think I'm going to need a week or so to find out who I am. So, in other words, I'm taking a blogging hiatus for a while. I'll be back, don't worry.
There's just so many things to process at once, that I just don't know what to do with myself. I love designing rooms, and that's what I want to do when I grow up. The only problem is I don't know what to do with my room, and it's really made me feel mediocre! I can't decide what to do with the colours in it. Even though most of you probably are thinking, "What kind of problem is that?" I have one thing to say,
My blog, my posts. If you don't like them, then...
Make your own story. Make people proud.
I am just so confused right now... Is thinking my problem? Is NOT thinking my problem? IS there a problem? I'm not sure, but I'm about to find out.
See ya next week! ;)

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Thank all zero of you who decided to actually guess about which outfit I got! :D(You sense the sarcasm too, right?)
Well, ANYWAY...(sorry, Blogger changed so now it's really retarded! It won't let me highlight anything, so I can't have the font I had just above the picture. :( ) I just got back from Phoebe's house, and my mom told me my doll clothes came, so I have some pictures of them. :D
I'm probably going to have more pictures throughtout this upcoming week of the clothes my mom SAYS she's going to make(I hope it'll be today.) So, I'm super excited! :D
Oh, and the picture is of this bracelet I bought for Willow while I was on vacation last week. ;)
SO... These are the ADORABLE shoes that I got from erinslittlesecrets on etsy.
And, since the clothes ARE for Willow, I had her model the trench coat and shoes. AREN'T THEY ADORABLE?!?!?!?
A close up(even though I really HATE blogger right now! It won't let me do ANYTHING to my fony! >:( )
The sleeve detail.
And, a sideways picture that the stupid people at blogger won't turn the right way! But, if your head is currently sideways, I would like to know what you think of my purchase! It's adorable, right? :D

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Some coolness in my life! :D

... And some sadness. You see, this morning Chocolate died, and my older brother(the one who lost Nibbler two weeks ago) buried him at 7:00 AM. He wasn't eating food or drinking water, and his eye was all swollen, so it was kind of expected. :'(
On the much happier side of life, I got my first pairs of jeans in two years! :D
And, one of my famous, "I want to do this but I'm pretty sure I'm just too lazy to accomplish it, so I'll just talk about it to people I don't really know all day," ideas! :D Okay, so remember way back in June when I got an Alto Sax? I don't really want to continue playing it anymore. I just don't feel happy doing it. I can't just QUIT, because my parents already spent about $150 on rental fees and supplies, so I'd feel really bad if I just quit. The only catch is, I would much rather do something else, and I was thinking I could go back into dance. I was thinking tap dance(because I LOVE tapping my feet, and I think it's fun. :) ) or ballet(because at this age, I'm really clumsy, and I used to take it when I was six, so it's just a review. I'm also quite flexible, so...)
What do YOU think? This is one of those times where I really need some advice, and I would LOVE to hear what you think! :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

200TH POST!!!!! :D

I don't think I need to explain!
Sorry, this kind of snuck up on me, and I just wanted to do a REGULAR post, but... Sorry, nothing too special. :(
BUT I DO have some HUMONGOUS news that will probably make two or three of you comment! :D
First off, I'm already saving up for Jesse, who will be Hollie's BFF, as I have planned for a year now. Last August, I had a really hard time from the moment I thought of Jesse and Hollie of which one to get first. I decided I would get Jesse, but then I had my heart set on Hollie... :( So, all that aside, I am almost one quarter of the way to my lovely rebel doll!
I NEED to get Jesse ASAP, because she and Hollie are the lead stars in my next big photo story. Oh, and they run a lemonade stand, but it's actually better than I made it sound! :D
Next, I've been feeling homesick for Maine(I lived there when I was a little kid) so I'm probably going to have a Christmas photo story this month, maybe next moth if I have time(I DO have to go to school in a couple weeks! :( )
I'm going to build Willow a study room in our library someday soon, so you'll be seeing the better/happier side of her when it's built.
I was tagged by Phoebe about a week or so ago(Sorry I didn't get to this earlier, but Blogger wouldn't let me blog from my iPod while I was on vacation. :( ) SOOO... I'm wearing a sea foam green and white striped pajama shirt, my transparent blue watch, and my grey knit pajama shorts. None too special. The summer usual for moi. And, I tag... Whoever wants to do a tag!!! :D
I plan on making doll jewelry... Other than those many things... that's about it. I'm pretty sure this is the most B-O-R-I-N-G 200th post EVER!
SO... What'd you think?

Saturday, 6 August 2011

A guessing game! :D

Hi! Just to let you know, I ordered a NEW OUTFIT for my dolls! I'm going to leave you guessing what it is until it comes! I'll give you a couple of hints: It's not a licsensed AG product; it's a(assumed) handmade outfit; it's for Willow(that's a BIG hint, because she only wears classic clothes!).
So, leave a comment guessing what it is, and probably by the end of the week(or whenever it comes.) I'll show you what it is with one of the scarce pictures that will be on my blog!!! :D
P.S. My brother's guinea pig Nibbler died last week. The Tuesday before the last one. :( R. I. P., Nibbler. :'( He was the equivalant of a 72 year-old man in age. :'(

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Photo stories! :D

Even after my Picasa "tragedy" yestereday, I decided to start only posting pictures to Picasa, so I recommend checking it every week or so. Or just follow me. I'm not picky. :D I've decided that I needed to start posting pictures to my Picasa, and when I F I N A L L Y do that, I screw up my blog, so I now am just going to say it's the "End of an Era." Okay? So, yeah.

Anyway, the story I posted yesterday WILL be finished being posted, and I will post a few pics. every day. Maybe.

Oh, and I'm going to start making doll characters, so you can expect to read about dolls that I made characters for. :D

Other than that, I'm pretty much done.


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Umm.... I should PROBABLY tell you this...

Okay, I was trying to make some more room on my picasa, and... um... well, let's just say that I deleted almost ALL the pictures from albums of pictures on my blog, and I skimmed THE LITTLE MESSAGE BOX... BAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD IDDDDDDEEEEAAAA.... My point is, I don't think I'll have ANY pictures left on my blog... :( ANY of my blogs, that is. D: Which MAY be good, depending how you look at it... You see, NOW I can put ANY photo story of ANY size on my Picasa(I'm going to make my albums public) BUT... there are only a total of 26 photos left on this blog... ALL the other pictures have been deleted(except from Lily's blog...) There WERE 266 photos, but that STILL wasn't a good idea on my part... My limit was almost reached, so I thought, "Okay. When I delete all these albums I don't care about, I'll upload my NEW albums! :D" Well, that thought backfired, so no pictures are left. D:

Please, don't get mad, because I WILL post a link to my picasa account, where you can check out ALLLLLLLL of my pictures, not just the ones I give the link to(some of you found out a way to do that, anyway. there were 269 views on my January header! :o) But, I'm goin to need to post my header again for this month... :(

~Miranda :'(

Some new picasa stories are in the making! :D

As you can tell by the picture below, I got my iPod dock! :D Sorry the picture is crappy, but that's life, you know. It's amazing, it charges my iPod(something I needed it to do) plays Cd's,(another need), and has a radio antenna(something I don't care about). When I was "shooting" a photostory today, I was listening to UB40(A reggae band, also the first band I had ever heard in my life(It was when I was seven... long story...)) Oh, and this is my old iPod nano, 3rd gen. ? Anyway, it was my brother's, but he gave it to me the day after I got Lily in 2009. :D

And, most(probably all of you) follow Phoebe's blog(Love That Doll) and she mentioned that we did a photo story together last Tuesday! Well, I'm going to upload it to Picasa today, so I'll give you the link later! :D

Oh, and there are a few pictures of... "accidents, such as Hollie being the clumsy oaf she really is, as seen below. XD Oh, and there's my touch and doll brush(sorry! i forgot to hide them :) )

This is one of the seventy pictures of Willow's late birthday present that I took today(my dolls felt bad they threw her twin a party, but not the newest doll, so they gave her a present(you'll know the present! he he he...)

So, you can tell that I've been "busy" recently, so check blogger tomorrow for the links to my photo stories! :D They're really good!


P.S. I'll probably have a special doll party photo story when I reach 35 followers... maybe 40, but I don't know when I'll shoot the story...

Thursday, 14 July 2011


(You can tell I'm an expert at creating cool, unique post titles. Sarcasm is implied)

Okay, so I'm going to make a little ramble about my day, so this is a BORING ALERT!!!

So I decided that I was tired of having to labourilously go all the way to the basement every few days to charge my ipod on my brother's iPod charging amp(It looks like an amp, but it plays your ipod while it is charged), so I thought it was time to buy my OWN iHome/music player.

My mom was already running errands to a local shopping center, and she asked if I wanted to go, so I said yes. When we got to Walmart, I FINALLY found an iHome, so I quickly bought it because I had already spent ten minutes looking for one IN THAT ISLE ALONE!!!! We went to Target afterwards(for specific reasons, but I don't want to say why) and I found some cooler looking iPod-charging-music-playing-doohickeys, but I decided to wait until the one I just bought broke or soemthing like that.

When I got home, I quickly opened up the thing I bought, and I was really, REALLY p. o'd.

IT WAS JUST A SPEAKER!!!!!! >:( My thoughts were that I spent twenty dollars, ON A FREAKING SPEAKER?!?!?!?!? I was outraged! And it was worse because I was worried that now I couldn't return it, but I'm going to anyway. Hehehe...

Anyway, my point is, tomorrow were're going BACK to that shopping center, I'm going to return my stupid ihome, and then we're going to Target(less than a minute away) and I'm going to buy that cd player/ipod charging/music playing thing that looks like a stereo system, mainly because it IS a stereo system!!! (hehe, bad humor...) I'll probably post pictures of my... stereo system, thing, so you'll get to see what it looks like! :D Target DOES have more appealing ones, such as the minimove, but it doesn't play CDs. :( (Oh, if you're wondering why I don't just download my CDs to my iPod, it's because if I do that, then all my music will have to be found again(I bought my iPod from my brother, because he didn't need it anymore, so all the music on it is from his iTunes, and it's just plain complicated. :D ) and ALL my apps will be deleted, and it just sucks.)

So, now I can be all happy and carp(yes, CARP) like that, even though I won't get the freakin' amazing headphones I saw too(I didn't mention those, but they're really cool, and they aren't earbuds, so that's a plus, but they're forty dollars.)

If you read all of that, I feel sorry for you, but I feel scummy because I haven't posted in A. G. E. S. , and I wanted to post about my day...


P.S. I considered the Memorex Minimove boombox, but it doesn't play CDs. :( The dock I'm GOING to buy is the Jenson one, and it looks like a radio. It sounds promising. :D

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Well, I might as well tell you...

Okay. SO, this is irrelevant to your lives and everything and this may affect your being able to read my posts in the next few months, but it's just a heads up...

I'M LEARNING FRENCH!!!! :D So, you're probably wondering how this will affect you, but I'll probably type a little bit in French every post, but I'll give you the English translation in parentheses.

Yeah, I've been doing nothing all week... No SERIOUSLY! I've been sitting in my bed in my pajamas playing video games, listening to music, and eating pizza. If THAT'S not nothing, then I don't know what is. I think I'm the queen of the lazies. Oh, and Windows Movie Maker keeps on crasking every two seconds(really every minute or so) so the movie may be delayed... Other than that, there really isn't anything good to post about...


Thursday, 7 July 2011


HAPPY BLOGOVERSERY!!!!!! Even Ron the Happy Orange is shocked! XD BUT, In this picture, he is distressed, as you will read afetr this sentence, because I uploaded the pictures AFTER I wrote the heart of my post. Distressed Ron. Normally, he has an unreal smile on his face. XD

This is Ron's friend Trixie the Tomato, who also happens to be Barry's border(a person that pays rent to live in your house, like in Kit's story, but with fruit.)

This is Ron's friend Barry the Banana.

This is Ron's friend Aaron the apple.

Here is Ron The Happy Orange. I made a math book about him in April, and I got an A+!!! :D

Conversing... I kept Lily's outift on her for about two months because I liked it so much! XD

She looks adorable.

I <3 Lanie's outfit... She's wearing LJC boots. :D

Lily is pretty. :)

I took the picture from here on up when I got these outfits for Easter. They WERE for my birthday, but my parent's changed their minds. :)

A year ago, I started this blog. And for probably two or three of you out there, you remeber when I made this blog only about my three guinea pigs? Right? Well, it's amazing how much this blog(and many of YOUR blogs, too) have changed my personality for the better. This blog has ALSO re-kindled my interest in my dolls, not that I didn't like them from the start, it just made me more... into it, you know? Now, the pictures from above... ? I was bored, had pictured I promised to show but never did... Here they are!(above)

Well, just as an FYI, my 200th post is coming up!!! :D This is my 193 third... ?


Wednesday, 6 July 2011

I was bored, it occured to me that I haven't changed my profile image... Here I am! Do you like it? it describes me. XD

Crazy Happy flowers, Disturbingly Happy stars(vice versa), Gunther ze magiv Russian Sqvegle(long story) disturbing frogs... What more could a person who's spent the last four days in her room eating pizza ask for?!


Sunday, 3 July 2011

Well, I decided to make a babbling post...

Don't feel bad about not reading this. I don't blame you! XD Well, I'm not sure when I should commence sculpting my polymer clay Gamecube for my future doll, because it's going to be a LOOOOTTTT of work, and I'm particularly worried about when I sculpt the controllers, because they're really curvy. D: BUT, the clay game system itself is easy, because it's LITERALLY just a cube with a handle, and a few cords coming out the back. XD I just don't have enough black polymer clay, so I can't begin sculpting... :( I'll ask my mom if I can buy some tomorrow, and by "I" I mean she. XD The paper T.V. isn't that difficult, considering I already took screenshots from Super Mario Sunshine(my current favourite game) so I just need to get them developed, so I just need to glue the pictures onto black construction paper after that. You can tell I'm just posting for the sake of posting, and succeeding at rambling in it. XD

I'm bored... Well, I might start making a short stop-motion, but I would need to make voice recordings for that, something my camera won't let me do. It's really dumb, so I guess I won't. :( I'll just watch some of Ali's on YouTube... :)


Saturday, 2 July 2011

Happy July! :D

It's July, and I have HUGE plans for it! If you looked at my YouTube last night or today do far, you probably saw my new video, which means you know that every weekend except for this one and maybe the next, I will release a new episode of my series! :D This will go on until WMM entirely crashes(It freezes every minute or two, if I'm lucky :( ) or I run out of ideas! I don't have an idea of how many episodes there will be, or even if anyone will watch it, but mind you, this is my first series, so I'm still learning! :) Oh, and just as an FYI on my doll situation, I have as of today, $16! I'll probably have $25 more by tomorrow, because of a sewing project my dad offered me(please, it's complicated, so don't ask). :) Maybe $15 more, because I plan on washing three of my parent's cars today. I'm SERIOUSLY trying to earn money, people! I appreciate ALL money making ideas, and I MIGHT just monetize my blog to earn money(let blogger put ads. up.), but I don't know... I really don't know WHAT to do! I guess I'll ask my dad(even though he's not in favor of me buying another doll! >:( ), because that's what my mom told me to do for her advice...


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

I'm still wondering...

HOW does a person make $220 in a month?! I get $10 every week, but I want to buy #55 and some other shtuff! I just don't get it... The only things I know of is I can get five dollars for every one of my family's four cars I wash, and I can get five dollars for every "sewing project" I complete, but that STILL only totals to $100! I would need, maybe... four babysitting jobs, where I earn $30 every time? I guess I'll have to ask my parents if I can do any chores(not extra ones, because I don't "have" to do chores, although I want to sometimes...) for some money, and do other stuff around the house... :( Don't get me wrong, I LOVE cleaning, but just not the picking stuff up part. XD I sound weird when I say that, but think; ALL I do on a regular basis is sit around and do nothing physically enduring, so chores are my "exercise", strange as it seems...

Well, I guess I just have to wait... :(


Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My channel.

For now, there are NO videos, because it's taking FOREVER to load it to YouTube(seriously! It's been loading for half an hour, and is only 17% done!) BUT, I got my channel URL for you, so you can check it out! I chose a random background that I didn't use for my blog header one day, so it'll be new to ALL of you! :D It doesn't suck! :) Here's the link. I'm not sure if it works or not, but just search for my video in a day or two(but ask for your permission, first! Some people aren't allowed on YouTube. :( ) My video is called: My dolls and doll room tour. So, look it up in a few days!!! :D


I made a YouTube!!! :D

Obviously, referring to the title, I made a YouTube. BUT, I don't have any videos yet. In fact, that's the problem. I am going to set up a poll asking you what I should make a video about, but they're doll related things. I tried making a doll room tour, because the LAST time I showed it, it was empty, so I made doll furniture out of empty American Girl doll clothes and accesories boxes, and Phoebe helped me make it AWESOME one day(Thanks, Phoebe! I owe you.) so I wanted to show it as my first video. But, sadly, it sucked. :( I REALLY hope you vote, and you can choose multiple ones, so I STRONGLY encourage you to vote. Thank you if you can't vote because sometimes blogger is dumb, so you may comment. :D


Monday, 27 June 2011

The next doll I will buy. :D

I JUST saw the new AG shtuff yesterday, and I LOVE it! Some things, I really dislike, such as the "rip-off" of #28, or the new outfits. But, I LOVE #59, AND the new doll watches!!! :D #59 looks JUST like me, but her isn't curly enough(or dark enough), she has maybe ten more freckles than I do, and she doesn't have bangs. Sounds like a lot of differences, but I STILL see me when I look at that doll. Before, #44 cam up as my best look-alike, which HARDLY looks like ME! Yeah, I'll still BUY #44, but I gave a name to #59 today. Charlotte Victoria Chestnut. She(just like me) Loves watches, and is rarely seen without one, plays video games almost constantly, and has a love of the fine arts and interior design. And, unless you JUST started following my blog(which I am thankful for my two newest followers! ;) ) You will probably know that I just described myself. THAT'S THE POINT!!! Much like Phoebe's doll Evey, Charlotte will be a mii-me. I'm going to have to save up a lot of dough to buy her, considering I'm TOTALLY tapped, even though I just lost my LAST TOOTH(I think...) so I get five dollars to add to my collection of money consisting of: some pocket change, a dollar bill, and a few gum wrappers. Lovely, I know. I'm ENTIRELY broke because I went into debt from my last AG purchase, and I bought a second gen. iPod touch from my brother for $20(SWEET!!!)

So I've been lazing around at home making furniture for my dolls out of duct tape and empty doll outfit boxes. Livin' the dream. I haven't had a babysitting job in about five months, but I can't ALWAYS rely on ONE family to keep calling me back every week or two... XD How does a lazy, video-game loving teenage-girl make money OTHER than selling a bunch of crap I found in my closet or watching kids for three hours!??!?! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found a stop-motion doll video about that once on youtube, but I don't remember what it was called... I think girloftheyearstudios made it, but it was last year, so I wouldn't remember... I DO remember that my parent's cars need washing, and my dad told me a few months ago that he would give me $5 for every pair of his jeans I hemmed... I'll look into that for now...


P.S. Seriously, do ANY of you have an idea how to make enough money to buy an AG doll and some accesories!?!

Picture, and some anger.

Alright. So, first of all, if you haven't looked at my photostory, this is Willow. ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL?!!?!? :D

Second of all, I JUST noticed, that AG has stopped making Kit's typewriter! >:( Of course, you may be asking, what the heck would you do with a mini type writer!?!!? Well, I don't know, but I WAS going to buy it during free shipping later this year! NOW if I want one, I have to look on ebay. :(


Thursday, 23 June 2011

My birthday!!!

Alright! Long story long(my version of long is two sentences), I tried to make a post from my iPod on my birthday, but it wouldn't let me type. :( SO... Now I'm here! I'm thirteen, and I went to Wisconsin, as only one or two of you probably knew... But all that aside, i got cheese, and I got candy, and I got Kanani's pj's, and because these were too big to be given to me EXACTLY on my birthday, so I got them a week ago, Willow and Kanani's lounge chair set. ;) Yay. :D

It just occurred to me, that unless you checked my Picasa with the link because that's the only way to get there, you haven't seen Willow! I'll give you some pictures, but I do recommend that you look at the photo story... XD


Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Three points. One: I got an Alto Sax. today, and I really suck... but then again, being a floutist, I've never used a reed before... Also, my cleaning... Thing got stuck, and I had to find a log pokey stick to get it out of the instrument... And when I FINALLY got the darn thing to work, I thought a duck was going to kill me! It was loud. :( I think I'm not traumatized...

Two: I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow! Where? ... I'm not telling, so I don't have a creeper that can find me... Not that I don't trust you lovely followers, just for privacy reasons...

Three: I'M TURNING THIRTEEN ON THURSDAY!!! I think this is the most important thing so far in my life, considering I(for some reason) told my mom that we ARE going to get cheese and candy on my birthday, because WHO doesn't like CHEESE AND CANDY!?!?! Other than Phoebe's doll Evey, who just doesn't like cheese... Why am I talking about cheese?!?! Oh yeah. Birthday cheese...

~Miranda(who is anticipating birthday cheese...)

Sunday, 19 June 2011

A new doll!

I GOT WILLOW YESTERDAY!!! :D Here's the link so you can see the photo story... CHECK IT OUT! It's actually really funny... :)


Sunday, 5 June 2011

My birthday is soon. :)

As probably two or three of you know, my birthday is soon! :D It's on June 23, and I'll be thriteen! :) (I'm getting Willow in >three weeks! :D )So... I was wondering that since I'm ALMOST at thirty followers for this blog, maybe 35 would be nice? It's almost been a year since I started blogging, and I still kind of want to have the word spread around. I'm not asking for a thousand followers or anything, just, you know, six more. More would be nice, but before June 23 I would kind of hope to have around 35. I won't freak out and shut down my blog if you disregard this, I just kind of feel like It's been a while, and I thought it would be kind of nice to have thirty-five followers on my blogger dashboard when I come back from vacation at the very end of June.

BUT... that aside... I was pretty sure I would have a party with friends and ice cream cake... mmm...(I'm "mmm-ing" the cake, I'm not cannibal!)

Okay, I feel really self-centered right now... you can forget about me, I won't mind, I'm just saying It would be cool.


Monday, 23 May 2011


My life in front of my television screen has literally bored me. I normally find joy and happiness in the video games I own, but I haven't been happy playing them recently. I decided to take a break from them, and MAN, I made a good decision! I feel rejuvinated. I feel this deep connection to nature forming with me as the weather warms up.

I no longer find myself being that lazy, careless person I was in January.

I feel more mature. I feel as though family, friends, and my future is the most important. I've been centering my attention around interior decorating, and I've even figured out what I'm to do with my life when I grow up.

I've been finding joy in just simply staring out my bedroom window, with my gaze happening upon foliage. My bed is right next to my bedroom window, and I literally stare at the sky at night. It just relaxes me.

I also find pleasure in writing down three things I LOVED about today in my happy journal that was (correction) $9.

I've really expandedmy happiness into many different forms, so that if one form is taken away, I will still be happy.

For my new changes, I've decided to NOT blog about my dolls on THIS blog anymore! For awhile they were LITERALLY taking over this blog! I love my dolls and all, but I'm growing up, too.

What has changed in your life since January? (And don't just tell me something like you got a new shirt or a new doll, make it relevant to your LIFE.)


Sunday, 8 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day! :D

Today was a pretty good mother's day for my mom. I kind of figured it out by all of her reactions. But, I kind of feel bad that she didn't get any presents, just cards. But I don't think she cared. :)


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

I love seasons.

I <3 Summer.

I love the way the soft colours of the tide pools at the beach feel when you step in them to see if it's too cold or not. I love just lying on my makeshift day-bed with my window open(which is right against my bed) reading a fun, happy book. I sometimes love cramming into a car to go on a summer vacation, only to get out of the car in ten hours.

I <3 Spring.

I love the soft, encouraging pastel colours peeping through their little flower buds, waiting to fully erupt in the summer. I love the new leaves on the trees, just beckoning me to go and check out their leaves's details. I love the refreshing sound of the little babbling creak near my house after it being frozen for three months.

I <3 Winter

I love the way the frost forms, where you can see how the ice crystallizes over the water. I love sitting in front of a warm, crackling fire, then later eating with my family for Christmas dinner. I love the hush that seems to fall throughout the land during the snowstorm, even though it will soon be filled with the laughter of children sledding, or having snowball fights.

I <3 Autumn.

I love the warming feeling of walking into my house to have that spectacular cinnamon smell that fills the air from all the baking going on. I love the feeling of my hands freezing the moment I walk out the door, wishing I had worn mittens, but instead shove my hands into my pocket. I love walking to a farmers market kind of place where they sell pumpkins, and they have fresh apples and awesome things to do.

What's my favourite season?

I don't have one.

I prefer to take each season as it goes. Yes, Spring is refreshing, with all the little buds on the vegetation and the warmer temperatures, but who DOESN'T love that feeling of knowing that you need to wear a sweater outside even though it's only September?

Winter is nice, with the smells of joyous laughter and merriment, but Summer is a nice break from school, and being able to go swimming.

This will lead me into happiness. You see, I've been a lot happier ever since I changed religions last Tuesday, and I've been feeling a lot more... Thankful. I've started a "three things you're happy for a day" journal, and It's really nice.

You see, I bought this EIGHT DOLLAR journal from Barnes and Noble on March fifteenth, but I couldn't think of how to use it! It was too pretty to write in as a diary. But THEN, the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens came(my favourite magazine, even though it's really my mom's subscription, and she liked it longer than I have!) and it said to relax yourself before bed by writing three things you loved about today. I liked that idea, so I started putting my highly over-priced journal to use! I've felt much more thankful for life ever since three days ago.

I took up reading again, and I forgot how awesome it was. AND, my "goodness"(he, sarcasm.) was rewarded today, because I FINALLY found our old lite brite thingy! :D Yeah, it's an old toy, but it's still fun! :)

My point for this post is to say I'm not dead, and to say that I'm really happy. :)
